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  • Save caseybecking/fa7699e70bf1c2e2bd06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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-- This takes about 30 seconds, but will make the next query a billion times faster
alter table sales_flat_order_item add index (product_id);
-- This takes about 5 seconds with the index added
cpe.entity_id product_id,
at_style_number.value style_number,
cpe.created_at product_created_date,
sum(sfoi.qty_ordered) total_ordered,
max(sfoi.created_at) last_order
from catalog_product_entity cpe
left join catalog_product_entity_varchar AS at_style_number
on at_style_number.entity_id = cpe.entity_id
and at_style_number.attribute_id = 177
and at_style_number.store_id = 0
left join sales_flat_order_item sfoi
on sfoi.product_id = cpe.entity_id
cpe.type_id = 'simple'
group by cpe.entity_id
order by total_ordered desc, last_order desc;
-- These are products that we probably don't need anymore
cpe.entity_id product_id,
at_style_number.value style_number,
cpe.created_at product_created_date,
sum(sfoi.qty_ordered) total_ordered,
max(sfoi.created_at) last_order
from catalog_product_entity cpe
left join catalog_product_entity_varchar AS at_style_number
on at_style_number.entity_id = cpe.entity_id
and at_style_number.attribute_id = 177
and at_style_number.store_id = 0
left join sales_flat_order_item sfoi
on sfoi.product_id = cpe.entity_id
cpe.type_id = 'simple'
-- only unpurchased
and sfoi.product_id is null
-- older than 6 months
and cpe.created_at < now() - interval 6 month
group by cpe.entity_id
order by product_created_date desc;
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