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Created May 22, 2019 21:51
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Save casesandberg/9667720eb262a64e3d99ef5e7b7ea530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
})// This is an automated testing file for this repo:
var EventTicketsV2 = artifacts.require('EventTicketsV2')
let catchRevert = require("./exceptionsHelpers.js").catchRevert
contract('EventTicketV2', function(accounts) {
const deployAccount = accounts[0]
const firstAccount = accounts[3]
const secondAccount = accounts[4]
const thirdAccount = accounts[5]
const ticketPrice = 100
let instance
const event1 = {
description: "event 1 description",
website: "URL 1",
ticketsAvailable: 100
const event2 = {
description: "event 2 description",
website: "URL 2",
ticketsAvailable: 200
const event3 = {
description: "event 3 description",
website: "URL 3",
ticketsAvailable: 300
beforeEach(async () => {
instance = await
describe("Setup", async() => {
it("OWNER should be set to the deploying address", async() => {
const owner = await instance.owner()
assert.equal(owner, deployAccount, "the deploying address should be the owner")
describe("Functions", () => {
describe("addEvent()", async() =>{
it("only the owner should be able to add an event", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: firstAccount}))
it("adding an event should emit an event with the provided event details", async() => {
const tx = await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.desc, event1.description, "the added event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventData.url,, "the added event Urls should match")
assert.equal(eventData.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the added event ticket amounts should match")
describe("readEvent()", async() =>{
it("providing the event Id should return the correct event details", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['0'], event1.description, "the event descriptions should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['1'],, "the website details should match")
assert.equal(eventDetails['2'].toString(10), event1.ticketsAvailable.toString(10), "the same number of tickets should be available")
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], 0, "the ticket sales should be 0")
assert.equal(eventDetails['4'], true, "the event should be open")
describe("buyTickets()", async() =>{
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when the event is open", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
// event w/ id 1 does not exist, therefore not open
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(1, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice}))
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice})
const eventDetails = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventDetails['3'], numberOfTickets, `the ticket sales should be ${numberOfTickets}`)
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when enough value is sent with the transaction", async() => {
const numberOfTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, numberOfTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice - 1}))
it("tickets should only be able to be purchased when there are enough tickets remaining", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51})
await catchRevert(instance.buyTickets(0, 51, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice * 51}))
it("a LogBuyTickets() event with the correct details should be emitted when tickets are purchased", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
const tx = await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
const eventData = tx.logs[0].args
assert.equal(eventData.buyer, firstAccount, "the buyer account should be the msg.sender" )
assert.equal(eventData.eventId, 0, "the event should have the correct eventId")
assert.equal(eventData.numTickets, numTickets, "the event should have the correct number of tickets purchased")
describe("getRefund()", async() =>{
it("only accounts that have purchased tickets should be able to get a refund", async() => {
const numTickets = 1
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numTickets, {from: firstAccount, value: ticketPrice * numTickets})
await catchRevert(instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount}))
const tx = await instance.getRefund(0, {from: firstAccount})
const eventData = tx.logs[0]
assert.equal(eventData.event, "LogGetRefund", "the event should be called LogGetRefund")
assert.equal(eventData.args.accountRefunded, firstAccount, "the firstAccount should be the 'accountRefunded'")
it("account requesting a refund should be credited the appropriate amount", async() => {
const preSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, 1, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice})
await instance.getRefund(0, {from: secondAccount})
const postSaleAmount = await web3.eth.getBalance(secondAccount)
assert.equal(postSaleAmount.slice(-4), preSaleAmount.slice(-4), "buyer should be fully refunded when calling getRefund()")
describe("getBuyerNumberTickets()", async() =>{
it("providing an event id to getBuyerNumberTickets() should tell an account how many tickets they have purchased", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
let result = await instance.getBuyerNumberTickets(0, {from: secondAccount})
assert.equal(result, numberToPurchase, "getBuyerNumberTickets() should return the number of tickets the msg.sender has purchased.")
describe("endSale()", async() => {
it("only the owner should be able to end the sale and mark it as closed", async() => {
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await catchRevert(instance.endSale(0, {from: firstAccount}))
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const eventData = await instance.readEvent(0)
assert.equal(eventData['4'], false, "The event isOpen variable should be marked false.")
it("endSale() should emit an event with information about how much ETH was sent to the contract owner", async() => {
const numberToPurchase = 3
await instance.addEvent(event1.description,, event1.ticketsAvailable, {from: deployAccount} )
await instance.buyTickets(0, numberToPurchase, {from: secondAccount, value: ticketPrice*numberToPurchase})
const txResult = await instance.endSale(0, {from: deployAccount})
const amount = txResult.logs[0].args['1'].toString()
assert.equal(amount, ticketPrice*numberToPurchase, "the first emitted event should contain the tranferred amount as the second parameter")
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