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Forked from copumpkin/Weird.agda
Created July 2, 2013 06:05
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module Weird where
open import Coinduction
open import Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Conat
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Binary using (module Setoid; _Respects_; __)
open Setoid setoid using () renaming (refl to ≈-refl; trans to ≈-trans)
data Finite : Coℕ Set where
zero : Finite zero
suc : {n} (r : Finite ( n)) Finite (suc n)
data Infinite : Coℕ Set where
suc : ∀ {n} (r : ∞ (Infinite ( n))) Infinite (suc n)
¬fininf : {n} ¬ Finite n Infinite n
¬fininf {zero} f = ⊥-elim (f zero)
¬fininf {suc n} f = suc ( (¬fininf (f suc)))
neither : {n} ¬ Finite n ¬ Infinite n
neither f t = t (¬fininf f)
inf-∞ : {i} Infinite i i
inf-∞ (suc r) = suc ( inf-∞ ( r))
module _ where
data __ : Coℕ Coℕ Set where
z≤n : ∀ {n} → zero ≤ n
s≤s : ∀ {m n} (m≤n : ∞ (♭ m ≤ ♭ n)) → suc m ≤ suc n
n≤∞ : n n
n≤∞ zero = zn
n≤∞ (suc n) = ss ( (n≤∞ ( n)))
∞≤nn≈∞ : {n} n n
∞≤nn≈∞ (ss ∞≤n) = suc ( ∞≤nn≈∞ ( ∞≤n))
≈⇒≤ : __ __
≈⇒≤ zero = zn
≈⇒≤ (suc mn) = ss ( (≈⇒≤ ( mn)))
≤-refl : n n n
≤-refl zero = zn
≤-refl (suc n) = ss ( (≤-refl ( n)))
≤-trans : {i j k} i j j k i k
≤-trans zn jk = zn
≤-trans (ss ij) (ss jk) = ss ( (≤-trans ( ij) ( jk)))
lowerBound : {p} {P : Coℕ Set p} Decidable P Coℕ
lowerBound P? with P? zero
lowerBound P? | yes p = zero
lowerBound P? | no ¬p = suc ( lowerBound (P? suc ∘′ _))
lowerBound-≤ : {p} {P : Coℕ Set p} (R : P Respects __) (P? : Decidable P) (exists : P) lowerBound P? proj₁ exists
lowerBound-≤ R P? _ with P? zero
lowerBound-≤ R P? _ | yes p = zn
lowerBound-≤ R P? (zero , pf) | no ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p pf)
lowerBound-≤ R P? (suc n , pf) | no ¬p = ss ( lowerBound-≤ (R ∘′ suc ∘′ _) _ (, R (suc ( ≈-refl)) pf))
lowerBound-Finite : {p} {P : Coℕ Set p} (R : P Respects __) (P? : Decidable P) Finite (lowerBound P?) P (lowerBound P?)
lowerBound-Finite R P? F with P? zero
lowerBound-Finite R P? F | yes p = p
lowerBound-Finite R P? (suc F) | no ¬p = R (suc ( ≈-refl)) (lowerBound-Finite (R ∘′ suc ∘′ _) _ F)
proof : {p} {P : Coℕ Set p} (R : P Respects __) (P? : Decidable P) ¬ P (lowerBound P?) ¬ P
proof R P? ¬P (n , pf) = neither
(λ fin ¬P (lowerBound-Finite R P? fin))
(λ inf let ≈∞ = inf-∞ inf in
¬P (R (≈-trans (∞≤nn≈∞ (≤-trans (≈⇒≤ ≈∞) (lowerBound-≤ R P? (n , pf)))) ≈∞) pf))
impossible : {p} {P : Coℕ Set p} (R : P Respects __) (P? : Decidable P) Dec ( P)
impossible R P? with P? (lowerBound P?)
impossible R P? | yes p = yes (, p)
impossible R P? | no ¬p = no (proof R P? ¬p)
module Tests where
open import Data.Nat hiding (_+_; __; module __)
eqℕ? : (x : ) (y : Coℕ) Dec (fromℕ x y)
eqℕ? zero zero = yes zero
eqℕ? zero (suc y) = no (λ ())
eqℕ? (suc x) zero = no (λ ())
eqℕ? (suc x) (suc y) with eqℕ? x ( y)
eqℕ? (suc x) (suc y) | yes p = yes (suc ( p))
eqℕ? (suc x) (suc y) | no ¬p = no (λ { (suc n) ¬p ( n) })
false : Coℕ Dec
false n = no id
P : Coℕ Set
P n = fromℕ 1 (n + n)
P? : n Dec (P n)
P? n = eqℕ? 1 (n + n)
+-R : {a b c d} a b c d (a + c) (b + d)
+-R zero cd = cd
+-R (suc ab) cd = suc ( (+-R ( ab) cd))
R : P Respects __
R xy p = ≈-trans p (+-R xy xy)
x = impossible (flip ≈-trans) (eqℕ? 2) -- should say yes and give us a Coℕ 2
y = impossible (λ _ id) false -- should say no, since false is never true
z = impossible R P? -- should say no, because P is never true, but the proof will be much more complicated :)
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