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Forked from jkosoy/.bash_profile
Created March 16, 2013 16:25
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alias ls='ls -GFh'
export CLICOLOR=1
# From Andrzej Szelachowski's ~/.bash_profile:
# Note that a variable may require special treatment
#+ if it will be exported.
# PCT="\`if [[ \$EUID -eq 0 ]]; then T='$LIGHTRED' ; else T='$LIGHTBLUE'; fi;
# echo \$T \`"
# For "literal" command substitution to be assigned to a variable,
#+ use escapes and double quotes:
#+ PCT="\` ... \`" . . .
# Otherwise, the value of PCT variable is assigned only once,
#+ when the variable is exported/read from .bash_profile,
#+ and it will not change afterwards even if the user ID changes.
# Escape a variables whose value changes:
# if [[ \$EUID -eq 0 ]],
# Otherwise the value of the EUID variable will be assigned only once,
#+ as above.
# When a variable is assigned, it should be called escaped:
#+ echo \$T,
# Otherwise the value of the T variable is taken from the moment the PCT
#+ variable is exported/read from .bash_profile.
# So, in this example it would be null.
# When a variable's value contains a semicolon it should be strong quoted:
# Otherwise, the semicolon will be interpreted as a command separator.
# Variables PCT and PS1 can be merged into a new PS1 variable:
PS1="\`if [[ \$EUID -eq 0 ]]; then PCT='$LIGHTRED';
else PCT='$YELLOW'; fi;
echo '\n$DARKGRAY-------------------------\n$GREEN\w \n$DARKGRAY'\$PCT'\t$DARKGRAY \
# The trick is to use strong quoting for parts of old PS1 variable.
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