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  • Save carlosrobles/28ca3950c1a55c23b4a120bed7580122 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save carlosrobles/28ca3950c1a55c23b4a120bed7580122 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Magento grab all product attributes for a SKU in direct SQL. "static" backend_type attributes are stored in catalog_product_entity
CASE ea.backend_type
WHEN 'varchar' THEN ce_varchar.value
WHEN 'int' THEN ce_int.value
WHEN 'text' THEN ce_text.value
WHEN 'decimal' THEN ce_decimal.value
WHEN 'datetime' THEN ce_datetime.value
ELSE ea.backend_type
END AS value,
CASE ea.backend_type
WHEN 'varchar' THEN ce_varchar.store_id
WHEN 'int' THEN ce_int.store_id
WHEN 'text' THEN ce_text.store_id
WHEN 'decimal' THEN ce_decimal.store_id
WHEN 'datetime' THEN ce_datetime.store_id
ELSE ea.backend_type
END AS store_id,
ea.is_required AS required
FROM catalog_product_entity AS ce
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute AS ea
ON ce.entity_type_id = ea.entity_type_id
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar AS ce_varchar
ON ce.entity_id = ce_varchar.entity_id
AND ea.attribute_id = ce_varchar.attribute_id
AND ea.backend_type = 'varchar'
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_int AS ce_int
ON ce.entity_id = ce_int.entity_id
AND ea.attribute_id = ce_int.attribute_id
AND ea.backend_type = 'int'
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_text AS ce_text
ON ce.entity_id = ce_text.entity_id
AND ea.attribute_id = ce_text.attribute_id
AND ea.backend_type = 'text'
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_decimal AS ce_decimal
ON ce.entity_id = ce_decimal.entity_id
AND ea.attribute_id = ce_decimal.attribute_id
AND ea.backend_type = 'decimal'
LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_datetime AS ce_datetime
ON ce.entity_id = ce_datetime.entity_id
AND ea.attribute_id = ce_datetime.attribute_id
AND ea.backend_type = 'datetime'
WHERE ce.sku = "60440127227" ) AS tab WHERE tab.value != ""
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