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Last active January 18, 2021 05:36
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RealmAutoIncrement is a singleton which maintain the last id saved from each database model
package com.carloseduardo.model;
import com.carloseduardo.constants.KnownClasses;
import com.carloseduardo.exception.UnknownModelException;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
import io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey;
import io.realm.annotations.Required;
* @author Carlos Eduardo
* @since 03/09/2016
public class AutoIncrementEntity extends RealmObject {
private Integer _id = 1;
private Integer accountType;
private Integer equipment;
private Integer location;
public Integer getId() {
return _id;
public Integer getAccountType() {
return accountType;
public void setAccountType(Integer accountType) {
this.accountType = accountType;
public Integer getEquipment() {
return equipment;
public void setEquipment(Integer equipment) { = equipment;
public Integer getLocation() {
return location;
public void setLocation(Integer location) {
this.location = location;
public void incrementByClassName(String className) {
switch (className) {
case KnownClasses.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
accountType = accountType == null ? 1 : ++accountType;
case KnownClasses.EQUIPMENT:
equipment = equipment == null ? 1 : ++equipment;
case KnownClasses.LOCATION:
location = location == null ? 1 : ++location;
throw new UnknownModelException("Class name: " + className);
public Integer findByClassName(String className) {
switch (className) {
case KnownClasses.ACCOUNT_TYPE:
return this.accountType;
case KnownClasses.EQUIPMENT:
case KnownClasses.LOCATION:
return this.location;
throw new UnknownModelException("Class name: " + className);
package com.carloseduardo.application;
import android.content.Context;
import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmConfiguration;
* @author Carlos Eduardo
* @since 03/09/2016
public class CustomApplication extends Application {
private static CustomApplication application;
public void onCreate() {
application = this;
RealmConfiguration realmConfiguration = new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
public static CustomApplication getApplication() {
return application;
public static Context getContext() {
return application;
package com.carloseduardo.constants;
* @author Carlos Eduardo
* @since 03/09/2016
public interface KnownClasses {
String ACCOUNT_TYPE = "AccountType";
String EQUIPMENT = "Equipment";
String LOCATION = "Location";
package com.carloseduardo.database;
import android.util.Log;
import com.carloseduardo.application.CustomApplication;
import com.carloseduardo.model.AutoIncrementEntity;
import io.realm.Realm;
import io.realm.RealmConfiguration;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
* Simple implementation of Auto Increment feature for Realm
* RealmAutoIncrement is a singleton which maintain the last id saved from each model.
* <p/>
* To get next id from anyone model, simple call the method getNextIdFromModel.
* @see #getNextIdFromModel(Class)
* @author Carlos Eduardo
* @since 03/09/2016
public final class RealmAutoIncrement {
private static RealmAutoIncrement autoIncrementMap;
private RealmAutoIncrement() {
* Search in AutoIncrementEntity for the last saved id from model passed and return the next one
* @param clazz Model which should get the next id
* @return The next id which can be saved in database
public Integer getNextIdFromModel(Class<? extends RealmObject> clazz) {
if (isValidMethodCall()) {
Integer id = updateIdByClassName(clazz);
Log.i("RealmAutoIncrement", "getNextIdFromModel: " + id);
return id;
Log.e("RealmAutoIncrement", "getNextIdFromModel is called by a not valid method");
return null;
private Integer updateIdByClassName(final Class<? extends RealmObject> clazz) {
Realm realm = getRealm();
final AutoIncrementEntity autoIncrementEntity = realm.where(AutoIncrementEntity.class).findFirst();
if (realm.isInTransaction()) {
} else {
realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
return autoIncrementEntity.findByClassName(clazz.getSimpleName());
* Utility method to validate if the method is called from reflection,
* in this case is considered a not valid call otherwise is a valid call
* @return The boolean which define if the method call is valid or not
private boolean isValidMethodCall() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : stackTraceElements) {
if (stackTraceElement.getMethodName().equals("newInstance")) {
return false;
return true;
private void createAutoIncrementEntityIfNotExist() {
AutoIncrementEntity autoIncrementEntity = getRealm().where(AutoIncrementEntity.class).findFirst();
if (autoIncrementEntity == null) {
private void createAutoIncrementEntity() {
getRealm().executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
AutoIncrementEntity autoIncrementEntity = new AutoIncrementEntity();
private Realm getRealm() {
return Realm.getInstance(getRealmConfiguration());
private RealmConfiguration getRealmConfiguration() {
//TODO Change for your current RealmConfiguration
return new RealmConfiguration.Builder()
public static RealmAutoIncrement getInstance() {
if (autoIncrementMap == null) {
autoIncrementMap = new RealmAutoIncrement();
return autoIncrementMap;
package com.carloseduardo.exception;
* @author Carlos Eduardo
* @since 03/09/2016
public class UnknownModelException extends RuntimeException {
public UnknownModelException() {
public UnknownModelException(String message) {
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carloseduardosx commented Sep 3, 2016

Sample of how to use the RealmAutoIncrement

package com.carloseduardo.model;

import com.carloseduardo.database.RealmAutoIncrement;

import io.realm.RealmObject;
import io.realm.annotations.PrimaryKey;
import io.realm.annotations.Required;

public class AccountType extends RealmObject {

    private Integer _id = RealmAutoIncrement.getInstance().getNextIdFromModel(AccountType.class);

    public Integer getId() {
        return _id;

    private String key;

    private String description;

    public String getKey() {
        return key;

    public void setKey(String key) {
        this.key = key;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

Change the RealmAutoIncrement.getRealmConfiguration() to return your own configuration.

NOTE: ClassName declared in the interface KnownClasses should have the same name of the referenced class.

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Hi, thanks for this gist. I've a problem: when I try to use this class I obtain the error: getNextIdFromModel is called by a not valid method. My object is created with this code:

realm.executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {
   public void execute(Realm realm) {
     Task newTask = realm.createObject(Task.class);

The Task class:

public class Task extends RealmObject {

    public static final String TITLE = "title";

    private Integer _id = RealmAutoIncrement.getInstance().getNextIdFromModel(Task.class);

    private String title;
    private String description;
    private boolean isCompleted;
    private Date dueDate;

    public Task() {}

    public Task(String title, String description, Date dueDate) {
        this.title = title;
        this.description = description;
        this.isCompleted = false;
        this.dueDate = dueDate;

    public Integer getId() {
        return _id;


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It seems that it's not a problem; I obtain that message only when my activity reads the content of the realm db.

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carloseduardosx commented Oct 13, 2016

Apologize for the delay @eloquentbit. That message is because Realm create a new instance of your model by reflection when he's persisting your data. In this case the AutoIncrementEntity shouldn't increment the model id

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NizarETH commented Feb 8, 2017

Hi bro, you should update Realm Configuration, in your file RealmAutoIncrement remplace this line : return new RealmConfiguration.Builder(CustomApplication.getContext()) .deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() .build(); by this new line return new RealmConfiguration.Builder() .deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded() .build(); and do the same thing in your Application's class.

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NizarETH commented Feb 8, 2017

Also, you should update @Required @PrimaryKey private Integer _id = RealmAutoIncrement.getInstance().getNextIdFromDomain(AccountType.class); it becomes getNextIdFromModel not getNextIdFromDomain

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Thanks for the update @IvanovE.

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