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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Preliminary Praxis Plugin Documentation

Uncaught Exceptions

Handling of uncaught exceptions is done by the error handler registered with Appication#error_handler. All applications are pre-configured to use a simple handler that wraps any exception in an InternalServerError response.

This behavior may be customized by registering an error handler with the application like this:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.error_handler =

The error handler must implement a handle!(request, error) method, where request is the current Request instance being processed, and error is the exception in question. The return value is sent back to the client.

Rack Middleware

Praxis supports registering Rack middleware to run as part of request handling with Application#middleware. The syntax is analogous to the use directive in Rack::Builder (and in fact does that internally).

For example, to use middleware named MyMiddleware you would put the following in your config/environment.rb:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.middleware MyMiddleware

This may be used in addition to, or in replacement of, configuring middleware in an application's


Plugins provide a means to cleanly add new functionality to Praxis, either by extending the core classes with additional features, or by registering callbacks to run during request handling.

Presently, extensions to the following classes are supported by the plugin loader, along with the primary reason to extend them:

  • ResourceDefinition, and ActionDefinition: additional DSL methods, e.g. ActionDefinition#requires_authentication directive that specifies that the action requires an authenticated user.
  • Request: encapsulate access to the Rack environment hash. e.g., a Request#current_user method that returns a User instance for the current logged-in user.
  • Controller: additional logic, and filters on actions. e.g., a before :action filter to verify the user's authentication for every request.

Using a Plugin

In order to use a plugin named MyPlugin, you would typically have the following in your config/environment.rb:

Praxis::Application.configure do |application|
  application.bootloader.use MyPlugin, config_file: 'config/my_plugin.yml', config_key: :my_plugin

As outlined above, MyPlugin may be either a subclass of Plugin or a module that includes PluginConcern. In the latter case, Praxis will expect there to be a class named Plugin, e.g. MyPlugin::Plugin.

Plugin Components

The two main components of a plugin in Praxis are:

  • Plugin: The class that is instantiated for each use of the plugin (unless it includes Singleton, in which case its instance is used).
    • Plugin#config_key: the name used by Praxis to store the plugin's instance the Application#plugins hash, and where relevant configuration data will be located in Application#config.
  • PluginConcern: An ActiveSupport::Concern module that encloses extensions to core Praxis classes.

A plugin in Praxis must consist of a subclass of Plugin, and that subclass may be enclosed in a module that has included PluginConcern

Plugin Bootstrapping and Configuration

When Bootloader#use is called when loading an application's environment.rb, a number of things happen:

  1. If the plugin provided is a module that includes PluginConcern, that module's setup! method is called. By default, that method will inject any relevant modules into the core Praxis classes, provided that is the first time the method has been called (in the event the plugin is used multiple times in one application).
  2. An instance of that plugin's Plugin subclass is created and saved in the application's set of plugins. Or, if that subclass is a Singleton, then its instance is retrieved and used instead.

The configuration of the that instance, however, is deferred until a separate :plugin stage, which itself is divided into a number of sub-stages. In order, along with their relevant Plugin callbacks are:

  1. :prepare: Plugin#prepare_config(node), adds the plugin's configuration definition to the provided node from the application's own configuration.
  2. :load: Plugin#load_config!, loads relevant configuration data and returns it. Note that the callback is not responsible for setting anything on the application, that is taken care of by the stage.
  3. :setup: Plugin#setup!, any final initialization necessary before the application's code is loaded.
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