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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Fields Mismatch 360 - example
Standard fields used: paul-hamlyn-foundation-grants.csv
*Amount Awarded*
Beneficiary Location:Name
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Fields NOT in standard: paul-hamlyn-foundation-grants.csv
Award date:Start date
Classification:Grant Fund
Classification:Grant Programme
Internal Organisation ID
Internal Request ID
Planned dates:Start date
Recipient Org:Alternate name
Recipient Org:Charity number
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:FCRA number
Recipient Org:Legal name
Recipient Org:URL
Standard fields not used: paul-hamlyn-foundation-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: three-guineas-trust-360-data.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: three-guineas-trust-360-data.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: three-guineas-trust-360-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: welcome-trust-grants-awarded.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: welcome-trust-grants-awarded.csv
Data source
Full name of applicant
Grant number
Grant type
School / Building
Surname of applicant
Standard fields not used: welcome-trust-grants-awarded.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:URL
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: heritage-lottery-fund-grants.csv
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: heritage-lottery-fund-grants.csv
Recipient Org:Alternate name
Recipient org:Postcode
RecipientOrg:Charity number
Total Amount Awarded
Standard fields not used: heritage-lottery-fund-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: arts-council-wales-grants.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Name
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Fields NOT in standard: arts-council-wales-grants.csv
Data source
Financial Year
Standard fields not used: arts-council-wales-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: tedworth-charitable-trust-data.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: tedworth-charitable-trust-data.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: tedworth-charitable-trust-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: nominet-trust-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Title
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Web Address
Fields NOT in standard: nominet-trust-grants.csv
Standard fields not used: nominet-trust-grants.csv
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Street Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: northern-rock-foundation-grants.csv
Beneficiary Location:Name
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:City
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: northern-rock-foundation-grants.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Country code
Funding Org Name
Funding Org: Identifier
Internal organisation identifier
Recipient Org: Charity number
Recipient Org: Company number
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Total Amount applied for
Total Amount awarded
Web Address
Standard fields not used: northern-rock-foundation-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: true-colours-trust-data.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: true-colours-trust-data.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: true-colours-trust-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: arts-council-england-grants.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Title
Last modified
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: arts-council-england-grants.csv
Decision quarter
Main art form
Ref No
Standard fields not used: arts-council-england-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:URL
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: arts-council-northern-ireland-grants.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: arts-council-northern-ireland-grants.csv
Data source
Date modified
Finance Year
Programme Type
Standard fields not used: arts-council-northern-ireland-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: dulverton-trust-grants.csv
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Recipient Org:City
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: dulverton-trust-grants.csv
Award Date:Start Date
Project End Date
Project Start Date
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: dulverton-trust-grants.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: indigo-trust-only.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: indigo-trust-only.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: indigo-trust-only.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: staples-trust-360-data.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: staples-trust-360-data.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: staples-trust-360-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: trafford-council-grants-voluntary-and-community-organisations.csv
*Amount Awarded*
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: trafford-council-grants-voluntary-and-community-organisations.csv
Award Date:Start Date
Award Unique Ref
Company Number
Frequency Period
Funding Org: Department
Standard fields not used: trafford-council-grants-voluntary-and-community-organisations.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: department-social-development-northern-ireland-government-grants-voluntary-and-community.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Title
Last modified
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: department-social-development-northern-ireland-government-grants-voluntary-and-community.csv
Financial Year
Grant Status
Standard fields not used: department-social-development-northern-ireland-government-grants-voluntary-and-community.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:URL
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: gatsby-charitable-foundation-360-data.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: gatsby-charitable-foundation-360-data.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: gatsby-charitable-foundation-360-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: nominet-trust-grants-data.csv
Fields NOT in standard: nominet-trust-grants-data.csv
Award Date: Start Date
Classification: Nominet Trust Programme name
Classification: Organisation type
Location: City
Location: Country
Location: County
Location: Postcode Outcode
Organisation twitter
Project Web address
Project twitter
Recipient Org: Charity number
Recipient Org: Company Number
Total Amount Awarded
Web address
Standard fields not used: nominet-trust-grants-data.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: sport-england-grants-awards.csv
*Amount Awarded*
*Award Date*
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
*Recipient Org:Name*
Fields NOT in standard: sport-england-grants-awards.csv
Data source
Distributing Body Sector
Financial Year
Org Type
Programme Name
Standard fields not used: sport-england-grants-awards.csv
Amount Applied For
Amount Disbursed
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: blf-grants-data-2004-onwards.csv
Fields NOT in standard: blf-grants-data-2004-onwards.csv
Standard fields not used: blf-grants-data-2004-onwards.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Beneficiary Location:Name
Data Source
From an open call?
Funding Org:Department
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Company Number
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
Standard fields used: indigo-trust-grants-data-live.csv
Beneficiary Location:Country Code
Beneficiary Location:Name
From an open call?
*Funding Org:Identifier*
*Funding Org:Name*
Last modified
Planned Dates:Duration (months)
Planned Dates:End Date
Planned Dates:Start Date
Recipient Org:Charity Number
Recipient Org:City
Recipient Org:Description
*Recipient Org:Name*
Recipient Org:Postal Code
Recipient Org:Street Address
Fields NOT in standard: indigo-trust-grants-data-live.csv
Application Date:Start Date
Award Date:Start Date
Beneficiary Location:Latitude/Longitude
Internal Organisation ID
Recipient Org: Identifier
Recipient Org:Alternate Name
Recipient Org:Country
Recipient Org:County/State
Related Activity:Identifier
Total Amount Applied for
Total Amount awarded
Standard fields not used: indigo-trust-grants-data-live.csv
Amount Applied For
*Amount Awarded*
Amount Disbursed
*Award Date*
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code
Beneficiary Location:Geographic Code Type
Beneficiary Location:Latitude
Beneficiary Location:Longitude
Data Source
Funding Org:Department
Grant Programme:Code
Grant Programme:Title
Grant Programme:URL
Recipient Org:Company Number
*Recipient Org:Identifier*
Recipient Org:Web Address
Related Activity
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