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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Takes a directory and turns music in it to mp3s; deleting originals.
require 'find'
require 'fileutils'
# Find files
files = []
Find.find(ARGV.first) do |file|

V: The V distributed system was developed at Stanford University as part of a research project to explore communication issues in distributed systems. The pro- cess group abstraction was introduced there to encapsulate distribution (Cheriton and Zwaenepoel 1985).

Amoeba: The Amoeba microkernel-based distributed operating system was devel- oped at the Vrije University of Amsterdam to devise applications on a collection of workstations or single board computers (Kaashoek et al. 1989).

Delta-4: The Delta-4 project was a European research project under the ESPRIT Programme that defined an architecture to build dependable system based on reliable (group) communication abstractions. Many of the ideas underlying Delta- 4 were later incorporated in the FT-CORBA standard (Powell 1991, 1994).

Replicated RPC: Circus was one of the first systems to use the group com- munication abstraction to access replicated servers. It included a replicated remote-procedure call facility implemented in Berkeley Unix (Cooper 1984a,b

timtrueman /
Last active January 10, 2018 22:19
KSP checklist

Vehicle assembly

  1. Install MapSat GPS radio
  2. Verify sufficient power for electric rover (solar panel or RTG that doesn't fall off in dynamic environments)
  3. Does gear touch the ground when extended?
  4. Did you pack enough delta-v? (No.)
  5. Are you planning on returning?
  6. Is your shit manned or did that little probe body ruin the day?
  7. How many crew do you want?
  8. Did you remember ASAS and SAS?
  9. Is RCS needed?
tar xzvf yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
cd yaml-0.1.4
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
tar xzvf ruby-1.9.3-p392.tar.gz
schinckel / jekyllmarkdown.rb
Created January 9, 2012 14:26
Jekyll renderer for
# Github-flavored markdown to HTML, in a command-line util.
# $ cat | ./ghmarkdown.rb
# Notes:
# You will need to install Pygments for syntax coloring
# $ pip install pygments
nimbupani / index.html
Created December 2, 2011 05:00
Showing latest post on home page with Jekyll
layout: default
<div class="blog-index">
{% assign post = site.posts.first %}
{% assign content = post.content %}
{% include post_detail.html %}
0 km, Vcirc = 2425.56 m/s, Tcirc = 25.90 min, Vesc = 3430.27 m/s
5 km, Vcirc = 2415.52 m/s, Tcirc = 26.23 min, Vesc = 3416.06 m/s
10 km, Vcirc = 2405.60 m/s, Tcirc = 26.55 min, Vesc = 3402.03 m/s
15 km, Vcirc = 2395.80 m/s, Tcirc = 26.88 min, Vesc = 3388.18 m/s
20 km, Vcirc = 2386.12 m/s, Tcirc = 27.21 min, Vesc = 3374.49 m/s
25 km, Vcirc = 2376.56 m/s, Tcirc = 27.54 min, Vesc = 3360.96 m/s
30 km, Vcirc = 2367.11 m/s, Tcirc = 27.87 min, Vesc = 3347.60 m/s
35 km, Vcirc = 2357.77 m/s, Tcirc = 28.20 min, Vesc = 3334.39 m/s
40 km, Vcirc = 2348.54 m/s, Tcirc = 28.54 min, Vesc = 3321.34 m/s
45 km, Vcirc = 2339.42 m/s, Tcirc = 28.87 min, Vesc = 3308.44 m/s
vincentchu / histogram.rb
Created May 18, 2011 02:39
binwidth = ARGV[0].to_f
filename = ARGV[1]
rand_file_name = "rand_file-#{(rand*1000000).to_i}.data"
nums =, "r") {|f| f.readlines}.collect {|n| n.to_f }
binned_data = {}
nums.each do |n|
sstephenson /
Created April 8, 2011 04:46
Rackup file for Rails 2.3 apps
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'
pfleidi / fiberchat.rb
Created February 19, 2011 18:51
A naive socket chat using select() and ruby fibers
require 'rubygems'
require 'socket'
include Socket::Constants
class ChatServer
def initialize
@reading =
@writing =
@clients =