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import sublime, sublime_plugin, os
class ExpandSelectionToDelimsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
begindelims = ["\"", "\'", "(", "<", "[", "{"]
enddelims = ["\"", "\'", ")", ">", "]", "}"]
view = self.view
oldSelRegions = list(view.sel())
for thisregion in oldSelRegions:
thisRegionBegin = thisregion.begin() - 1
thisRegionEnd = thisregion.end()
if( (thisregion.begin() != thisRegionEnd) and (view.substr(thisRegionBegin) in begindelims) ):
thisRegionBegin -= 1
while ((view.substr(thisRegionBegin) not in begindelims) and (thisRegionBegin >= 0)):
thisRegionBegin -= 1
thisRegionBegin += 1
if( (thisregion.begin() != thisRegionEnd) and (view.substr(thisRegionEnd) in enddelims) ):
thisRegionEnd += 1
while((view.substr(thisRegionEnd) not in enddelims) and (thisRegionEnd < view.size())):
thisRegionEnd += 1
view.sel().add(sublime.Region(thisRegionBegin, thisRegionEnd))
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