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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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A breadth-first Tower of Hanoi solver in Go

Example Output

Lower numbers in the towers represent larger disks, so higher integers must always be to the right of smaller ones.

0 [1]
1 [2]
2 [3 4 5 6]
0 [1 2]
1 []
2 [3 4 5 6]
0 [1 2]
1 [6]
2 [3 4 5]
0 [1 2 5]
1 [6]
2 [3 4]
0 [1 2 5 6]
1 []
2 [3 4]
0 [1 2 5 6]
1 [4]
2 [3]
0 [1 2 5]
1 [4]
2 [3 6]
0 [1 2]
1 [4 5]
2 [3 6]
0 [1 2]
1 [4 5 6]
2 [3]
0 [1 2 3]
1 [4 5 6]
2 []
0 [1 2 3 6]
1 [4 5]
2 []
0 [1 2 3 6]
1 [4]
2 [5]
0 [1 2 3]
1 [4]
2 [5 6]
0 [1 2 3 4]
1 []
2 [5 6]
0 [1 2 3 4]
1 [6]
2 [5]
0 [1 2 3 4 5]
1 [6]
2 []
0 [1 2 3 4 5 6]
1 []
2 []
package simple_search
import (
type Tower []int
type World struct {
NumBlocks, NumTowers int
Towers []Tower
Previous *World
type Move struct {
From, To int
var (
randGen = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
func NewWorld(numBlocks, numTowers int) *World {
world := new(World)
world.NumBlocks = numBlocks
world.NumTowers = numTowers
world.Towers = make([]Tower, numTowers)
remainingBlocks := numBlocks
total := 0
for i := 0; i < numTowers-1; i++ {
height := randGen.Intn(remainingBlocks + 1)
remainingBlocks -= height
world.Towers[i] = make(Tower, height)
for val := 0; val < height; val++ {
world.Towers[i][val] = total
world.Towers[numTowers-1] = make(Tower, remainingBlocks)
for val := 0; val < remainingBlocks; val++ {
world.Towers[numTowers-1][val] = total
return world
func (w *World) Clone() *World {
newWorld := new(World)
newWorld.NumBlocks = w.NumBlocks
newWorld.NumTowers = w.NumTowers
newWorld.Towers = make([]Tower, w.NumTowers)
for i, tower := range w.Towers {
newWorld.Towers[i] = make(Tower, len(tower))
for j, value := range tower {
newWorld.Towers[i][j] = value
return newWorld
func (m *Move) ApplyTo(w *World) *World {
newWorld := w.Clone()
newWorld.Towers[m.To] = append(newWorld.Towers[m.To], newWorld.Towers[m.From][len(newWorld.Towers[m.From])-1])
newWorld.Towers[m.From] = newWorld.Towers[m.From][:len(newWorld.Towers[m.From])-1]
newWorld.Previous = w
return newWorld
func (w *World) ActiveTowers() int {
open := 0
for _, tower := range w.Towers {
if len(tower) > 0 {
open += 1
return open
func (w *World) TopOf(index int) int {
if length := len(w.Towers[index]); length > 0 {
return w.Towers[index][length-1]
} else {
return -1
func (w *World) Moves() []Move {
moves := make([]Move, 0)
for from, fromTower := range w.Towers {
if len(fromTower) > 0 {
for to := range w.Towers {
if to != from && w.TopOf(to) < w.TopOf(from) {
moves = append(moves, Move{from, to})
return moves
func (w *World) Solve() *World {
seen := make([]*World, 0)
queue := make([]*World, 1)
queue[0] = w
for {
world := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
seen = append(seen, world)
if world.ActiveTowers() == 1 {
return world
for _, move := range world.Moves() {
applied := move.ApplyTo(world)
skip := false
for _, existing := range seen {
if reflect.DeepEqual(existing.Towers, applied.Towers) {
skip = true
if !skip {
queue = append(queue, applied)
func (w *World) Print() {
for index, tower := range w.Towers {
fmt.Printf("%d %d\n", index, tower)
func (w *World) FullPrint() {
if w.Previous == nil {
} else {
package simple_search
import (
// Lower numbers in the towers are larger disks.
func makeWorld() *World {
world := NewWorld(4, 5)
world.Towers[0] = Tower{}
world.Towers[1] = Tower{1, 2}
world.Towers[2] = Tower{}
world.Towers[3] = Tower{4}
world.Towers[4] = Tower{3}
return world
func TestNewWorld(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
world := NewWorld(10, 5)
sum := 0
for _, tower := range world.Towers {
sum += len(tower)
if sum != 10 {
t.Errorf("Not all blocks used (got %i, want %i)", sum, 10)
func TestClone(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
newWorld := world.Clone()
if world == newWorld {
t.Errorf("Worlds should not be same object")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(world, newWorld) {
t.Errorf("Worlds should be the same structure")
func TestActiveTowers(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
if open := world.ActiveTowers(); open != 3 {
t.Errorf("ActiveTowers returned %i, expected %i", open, 3)
func TestTopOf(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
if world.TopOf(0) != -1 {
t.Errorf("TopOf(0) expected %i, got %i", -1, world.TopOf(0))
if world.TopOf(1) != 2 {
t.Errorf("TopOf(1) expected %i, got %i", 2, world.TopOf(1))
if world.TopOf(2) != -1 {
t.Errorf("TopOf(2) expected %i, got %i", -1, world.TopOf(2))
if world.TopOf(3) != 4 {
t.Errorf("TopOf(3) expected %i, got %i", 4, world.TopOf(3))
if world.TopOf(4) != 3 {
t.Errorf("TopOf(4) expected %i, got %i", 3, world.TopOf(4))
func TestMoves(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
moves := world.Moves()
table := []Move{
Move{1, 0}, Move{1, 2},
Move{3, 0}, Move{3, 1}, Move{3, 2}, Move{3, 4},
Move{4, 0}, Move{4, 1}, Move{4, 2},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(table, moves) {
t.Errorf("Moves returned %q, expected %q", moves, table)
func TestMoveApplyTo(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
move := Move{1, 2}
resultingWorld := move.ApplyTo(world)
if resultingWorld == world {
t.Errorf("Worlds should not be same object")
world.Towers[1] = Tower{1}
world.Towers[2] = Tower{2}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(world.Towers, resultingWorld.Towers) {
t.Errorf("Expected the resulting world to be correct, but got %q", resultingWorld.Towers)
if resultingWorld.Previous != world {
t.Errorf("Expected the resulting world's Previous to point to the original world", resultingWorld)
func TestSolve(t *testing.T) {
world := makeWorld()
solved := world.Solve()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(solved.Towers[1], Tower{1, 2, 3, 4}) {
t.Errorf("Expected the solved world to be solved, but got %q", solved)
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Lazy review from golint:

simple_search.go:1:1: don't use an underscore in package name
simple_search.go:85:9: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (move short variable declaration to its own line if necessary)
simple_search.go:76:4: should replace open += 1 with open++
simple_search.go:91:2: can probably use "var moves []Move" instead
simple_search.go:105:2: can probably use "var seen []*World" instead

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This looks pretty good. From what I've seen of idiomatic go, people would probably prefer to define a .String() method (to implement the Stringer interface) than to define .Print().

They also often use the object literal syntax instead of new. e.g. world := &World{Numblocks: ...}`

In terms of the code, it passes the tests, so must be good enough :).

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