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Last active August 12, 2020 19:40
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Proposal hashmap! macro with options
macro_rules! hashmap {
(@opts nocap $hash:tt capacity: $cap:expr $(, $($tail:tt)*)?) => (hashmap!(@opts $cap $hash $($($tail)*)?));
(@opts $cap:tt nohash S: $hash:ty $(, $($tail:tt)*)?) => (hashmap!(@opts $cap (<$hash>::default()) $($($tail)*)?));
(@opts $cap:tt nohash hasher: $hash:expr $(, $($tail:tt)*)?) => (hashmap!(@opts $cap $hash $($($tail)*)?));
(@opts $cap:tt $hash:tt $name:ident: $($tail:tt)*) => (compile_error!(concat!("Invalid option: ", stringify!($name))));
(@opts $cap:tt $hash:tt) => (hashmap!(@init $cap $hash));
(@opts $cap:tt $hash:tt $($key:expr => $value:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
let mut map = hashmap!(@init $cap $hash $($key)*);
let _ = map.insert($key, $value);
(@opts $($tail:tt)*) => (compile_error!("Invalid syntax"));
(@init nocap nohash) => (::std::collections::HashMap::new());
(@init nocap $hash:tt) => (::std::collections::HashMap::with_hasher($hash));
(@init nocap $hash:tt $($t:expr)+) => {
let capacity = hashmap!(@count $($t)*);
hashmap!(@init capacity $hash)
(@init $cap:tt nohash $($tail:tt)*) => (::std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity($cap));
(@init $cap:tt $hash:tt $($tail:tt)*) => (::std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher($cap, $hash));
(@count $($t:tt)*) => (<[()]>::len(&[$(hashmap!(@unit $t)),*]));
(@unit $t:tt) => (());
($($t:tt)*) => (hashmap!(@opts nocap nohash $($t)*));
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