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Cameron Ehrlich cameronehrlich

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LaurEars / main.yml
Created July 22, 2024 18:36
LaTeX resume builder GitHub actions file
name: Build latex
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build-latex"
brennanMKE /
Last active August 14, 2024 11:50
Create SSH Key on Mac for Xcode

Create SSH Key on Mac for Xcode

The docs for GitHub show a command to create a key with the ed25519 encryption method which is not allowed by Xcode. Even if you are not using the Source Control features in Xcode you will often need to use an account with GitHub when you are consuming Swift packages which are pulled from GitHub.

For SSH keys there are 4 algorithms.

  • 🚨 DSA: This is an older algorithm which is no longer supported and is superceded with more modern algorithms.
  • ⚠️ RSA: This algorithm was an improvement but it is now outdated and a more modern method should be used.
  • 👀 ECDSA: Another improvement which is dependent on your computer's ability to generate random numbers.
  • ✅ Ed25519: The most recommended public-key algorithm today which you should use with GitHub.
keith / simctl-commands.txt
Last active December 7, 2022 23:27
All the subcommands of `xcrun simctl` (including ones that aren't listed in `simctl help`) LC_SOURCE_VERSION 776.1 (Xcode 13.0 beta 5)
chriseidhof / collectionview.swift
Last active January 31, 2024 19:00
SwiftUI Flow Layout
// ContentView.swift
// DeleteMe
// Created by Chris Eidhof on 02.02.21.
import SwiftUI

How to setup a practically free CDN using Backblaze B2 and Cloudflare

⚠️ Note 2023-01-21
Some things have changed since I originally wrote this in 2016. I have updated a few minor details, and the advice is still broadly the same, but there are some new Cloudflare features you can (and should) take advantage of. In particular, pay attention to Trevor Stevens' comment here from 22 January 2022, and Matt Stenson's useful caching advice. In addition, Backblaze, with whom Cloudflare are a Bandwidth Alliance partner, have published their own guide detailing how to use Cloudflare's Web Workers to cache content from B2 private buckets. That is worth reading,

timonus / programmatic-dynamic-images.m
Last active January 1, 2024 12:08
Programmatically create iOS 13 dynamic images
- (UIImage *)dynamicImage
UITraitCollection *const baseTraitCollection = /* an existing trait collection */;
UITraitCollection *const lightTraitCollection = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithTraitsFromCollections:@[baseTraitCollection, [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithUserInterfaceStyle:UIUserInterfaceStyleLight]]];
UITraitCollection *const purelyDarkTraitCollection = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithUserInterfaceStyle:UIUserInterfaceStyleDark];
UITraitCollection *const darkTraitCollection = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithTraitsFromCollections:@[baseTraitCollection, purelyDarkTraitCollection]];
__block UIImage *lightImage;
[lightTraitCollection performAsCurrentTraitCollection:^{
lightImage = /* draw image */;
craigeley / add_instagram_to_contacts.scpt
Created May 23, 2019 14:10
This script takes the contents of your clipboard, allows you to search for a contact, and then adds an Instagram social media profile to that contact. Useful for use with the Vignette iOS app and the "Connections.json" file from the Instagram data dump.
set input to the clipboard as text
--whole process is in a loop to allow for user to research for contact
--need to find contact in order to update their info
display dialog "Enter name or company of contact to Instagram to:" default answer ""
set thePerson to text returned of result
end try
DreamingInBinary / UIView+BFRShimmering.m
Created August 14, 2018 20:10
// UIView+BFRShimmer.h
// BFRUtils
// Created by Jordan Morgan on 8/14/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Buffer. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
adenisonafifi / InteractiveScrollDismissalViewController.swift
Last active May 28, 2024 19:05
A UIViewController which is set up to be dismissed via a vertical pan (swipe down). Works even with a UIScrollView in the view.
protocol VerticalScrollInteractionViewDelegate: class {
var canScroll: Bool { get set }
var headerHeight: CGFloat { get set }
class CustomViewController: UIViewController, VerticalScrollInteractionViewDelegate {
// VerticalScrollInteractionViewDelegate
var canScroll: Bool = false
var headerHeight: CGFloat = 0.0
git log --since="20 days ago" --full-history --simplify-merges --author="cameron" --reverse --oneline > ~/Desktop/commits-for-invoice.txt