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Last active July 24, 2019 11:56
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A typesafe router sketch
interface RouteVariable<T> {
parse(value: string): { value: T, rest: string } | false;
const int: RouteVariable<number> = undefined as any;
const segment: RouteVariable<string> = undefined as any;
type RouteVariables<T> = { [K in keyof T]: RouteVariable<T[K]> };
type AddRoute<R> = <T extends any[]>(
literals: TemplateStringsArray,
...placeholders: RouteVariables<T>
) => (render: (...args: T) => R) => void;
class Router<R> {
public route!: AddRoute<R>;
constructor(configure: (route: AddRoute<R>) => void) {
resolve(path: string): R | null {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
// 1. Add routes
// At construction time
const router = new Router<React.ReactElement<any>>(route => {
route`/user/${int}`(id => <div>User {id}</div>);
route`/user/${segment}/comments/${int}`((userName, commentId) => <div />);
// After construction
(userName, commentId) => <div />,
// 2. Ask the router to resolve a path
router.resolve("/user/1"); // Returns <div User 1</div>
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