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Connor Ameres cameres

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kylrth /
Last active September 12, 2022 06:56
Wake-on-LAN with tp-link TG-3468 on Ubuntu 18.04.3

WOL with tp-link TG-3468 on Ubuntu 18.04.3

I'm putting this here for my own reference because I was up way too late figuring this out.

After installing the network card, I could see I already had the right driver for it. sudo lshw -c network showed that the card was disabled though. What ended up getting the card working was the following which I recorded here:

sudo ip l s dev enp6s0 up
Aaronmacaron /
Last active October 10, 2022 11:26
Install Alacritty on Ubuntu
# This installs alacritty terminal on ubuntu (
# You have to have rust/cargo installed for this to work
# Install required tools
sudo apt-get install -y cmake libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev xclip
# Download, compile and install Alacritty
git clone
rbq / docker.yaml
Last active August 15, 2024 15:13
Install Docker CE on Ubuntu using Ansible
- hosts: all
- name: Install prerequisites for Docker repository
name: ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'curl', 'gnupg2', 'software-properties-common']
update_cache: yes
- name: Add Docker GPG key
rambabusaravanan / .gitconfig
Last active July 12, 2024 07:14
Git Diff and Merge Tool - IntelliJ IDEA
# Linux
# add the following to "~/.gitconfig" file
tool = intellij
[mergetool "intellij"]
cmd = /usr/local/bin/idea merge $(cd $(dirname "$LOCAL") && pwd)/$(basename "$LOCAL") $(cd $(dirname "$REMOTE") && pwd)/$(basename "$REMOTE") $(cd $(dirname "$BASE") && pwd)/$(basename "$BASE") $(cd $(dirname "$MERGED") && pwd)/$(basename "$MERGED")
trustExitCode = true
fntlnz /
Last active September 17, 2024 08:31
Self Signed Certificate with Custom Root CA

Create Root CA (Done once)

Create Root Key

Attention: this is the key used to sign the certificate requests, anyone holding this can sign certificates on your behalf. So keep it in a safe place!

openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 4096
bastman /
Created March 31, 2016 05:55
docker cleanup guide: containers, images, volumes, networks

Docker - How to cleanup (unused) resources

Once in a while, you may need to cleanup resources (containers, volumes, images, networks) ...

delete volumes

// see:

$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)

$ docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs -r docker volume rm

subfuzion /
Last active September 20, 2024 18:43
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.

andytlr /
Created January 22, 2016 02:26
Spotify Genres

Spotify has heaps of genres but there not surfaced in the UI. Here's 1383 (perhaps all) of them.

Search for genre:"Genre Name"

  1. A Cappella
  2. Abstract
  3. Abstract Beats
  4. Abstract Hip Hop
  5. Abstract Idm
  6. Abstractro
jmindek / gist:62c50dd766556b7b16d6
Last active January 31, 2024 15:48
DISTINCT ON like functionality for Redshift

distinct column -> For each row returned, return only the unique members of a set. Think of it as for each row in a projection, concatenate all the column values and return only the strings that are unique.

test_db=# SELECT DISTINCT parent_id, child_id, id FROM test.foo_table ORDER BY parent_id, child_id, id LIMIT 10;
parent_id | child_id | id
1000040 | 103 | 1000040|2645405726|0001|103