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type QueryResult = {
score: number,
func: FunctionInfo
export async function runQuery(
query: string,
files: FileInfo[]
): Promise<QueryResult[]> {
// convert input query to embedding
const queryEmbedding = await createEmbedding(query);
// math ->
export function cosineSimilarity(embedding1: number[], embedding2: number[]): number {
const dotProduct =, embedding2)
const magnitude1 = math.norm(embedding1)
const magnitude2 = math.norm(embedding2)
return dotProduct / (magnitude1 * magnitude2)
export const createEmbedding = async (
model: string,
text: string
) => {
const resp = await ollama.embeddings({
model: model,
prompt: text
return resp.embedding
const collectFileData = async (dir: string) => {
// collect all the files in the directory
const files = findTsFiles(dir)
for (const file of files) {
// extract functions from each file
file.functions = extractFunctions(file.content)
for (const func of file.functions) {
// get the description for each function
const description = await getFunctionDescription(file, func.functionName)
if (description) {
export const getFunctionDescription = async (file: FileInfo, functionName: string, model: string = "llama3"): Promise<string | null> => {
const prompt = `given the following file ${file!.path}/${file!.filename}:
Provide a concise description for the function \`${functionName}\`. focusing on its specific role within the larger codebase.
The description should briefly explain:
- The purpose of the function
- The function's inputs, outputs, and any notable side effects or dependencies
export function extractFunctions(fileContents: string): ExtractFunctionResponse[] {
const functions: ExtractFunctionResponse[] = [];
try {
const ast = parser.parse(fileContents, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['typescript', 'jsx'],
allowImportExportEverywhere: true,
allowAwaitOutsideFunction: true,
allowReturnOutsideFunction: true,
type FileInfo {
content: string
path: string
filename: string
function findTsFiles(directory: string, exclude_dirs: string[]): void {
const fileList: FileInfo[] = []
function traverseDirectory(currentDir: string) {
const evaluateCodeSearch = async (
files: FileInfo[],
numSamples: number = 15,
k: number = 5
) => {
// create validation set
const validationSet: ValidationQuery[] = await generateValidationQueries(files, numSamples)
const resultSet: QueryResult[][] = []
// run each validation query against the code search system
export const calculateMAPAtK = (
sampleQueries: SampleQuery[],
retrievedResults: QueryResult[][],
k: number
) => {
const apScores =, index) => {
return calculateAveragePrecision(query, retrievedResults[index], k);
return apScores.reduce((sum, score) => sum + score, 0) / apScores.length;
export const calculateAveragePrecision = (
sampleQuery: SampleQuery,
retrievedResults: QueryResult[],
k: number
) => {
// get the function names from the validation set
const relevantFunctions = => func.functionName)
// get the function names from the retrieved results
const retrievedFunctionNames = => result.funcName)