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Created April 2, 2009 07:15
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Save cakebaker/89069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CakePHP shell script to run NoseRub's migrations
* A simple shell script to run NoseRub's migrations.
* Requires the Migration model from NoseRub ( and a
* folder app/config/sql/migrations for the migrations.
* Copyright (c) by Daniel Hofstetter (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
class MigrateShell extends Shell {
public function main() {
$this->Migration = ClassRegistry::init('Migration');
$databaseStatus = $this->Migration->getDatabaseStatus();
if ($databaseStatus == 1) {
$currentMigration = $this->Migration->getCurrentMigration();
$mostRecentMigration = $this->Migration->getMostRecentMigration();
$this->out('Actual version: #'. $currentMigration);
$this->out('Updating to #'. $mostRecentMigration);
if ($currentMigration < $mostRecentMigration) {
$migrations = $this->Migration->getOpenMigrations($currentMigration);
$this->Migration->migrate($migrations, $currentMigration, $mostRecentMigration);
$this->out('Applying migrations:');
foreach ($migrations['sql'] as $idx => $migration) {
if (isset($migrations['php'][$idx]['name'])) {
} else {
$this->out('Database up-to-date!');
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