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Custom Layers in TensorFlow.js (Stateful, Configurable, and Serializable)
<script src=""></script>
* Define a custom layer.
* This layer performs the following simple operation:
* output = input * (x ^ alpha);
* - x is a trainable scalar weight.
* - alpha is a configurable constant.
* This custom layer is written in a way that can be saved and loaded.
class TimesXToThePowerOfAlphaLayer extends tf.layers.Layer {
constructor(config) {
this.alpha = config.alpha;
* build() is called when the custom layer object is connected to an
* upstream layer for the first time.
* This is where the weights (if any) are created.
build(inputShape) {
this.x = this.addWeight('x', [], 'float32', tf.initializers.ones());
* call() contains the actual numerical computation of the layer.
* It is "tensor-in-tensor-out". I.e., it receives one or more
* tensors as the input and should produce one or more tensors as
* the return value.
* Be sure to use tidy() to avoid WebGL memory leak.
call(input) {
return tf.tidy(() => {
const k = tf.pow(, this.alpha);
return tf.mul(input[0], k);
* getConfig() generates the JSON object that is used
* when saving and loading the custom layer object.
getConfig() {
const config = super.getConfig();
Object.assign(config, {alpha: this.alpha});
return config;
* The static className getter is required by the
* registration step (see below).
static get className() {
return 'TimesXToThePowerOfAlphaLayer';
* Regsiter the custom layer, so TensorFlow.js knows what class constructor
* to call when deserializing an saved instance of the custom layer.
(async function main() {
const model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [4]}));
// Here comes an instance of the custom layer.
model.add(new TimesXToThePowerOfAlphaLayer({alpha: 1.5}));
model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});
// Train the model using some random data.
const xs = tf.randomNormal([2, 4]);
const ys = tf.randomNormal([2, 1]);
await, ys, {
epochs: 5,
callbacks: {
onEpochEnd: async (epoch, logs) => {
console.log(`Epoch {epoch}: loss = ${logs.loss}`);
// Save the model and load it back.
console.log('Model saved.');
const model2 = await tf.loadModel('indexeddb://codepen-tfjs-model-example-jdBgwB-v1');
console.log('Model2 loaded.')
console.log('The two predict() outputs should be identical:');
Copy link updated for tfjs 1.5

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Thanks a lot for this exemple !

Do you know if it's possible to use tfjs.layers inside a custom layer ?
I tried however, the weights of a tfjs.dense are not taken as trainable (0 parameters in the model.summary())

The fix would be to have a addWeights for all dense layers in the build method but it's a bit heavy...

Anyone has an idea about that ? If yes, it would allow me to have a transformer layer to share... (I will still share the addWeight version)

Thanks in advance for any help,
Have a great day

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Should be possible, but i haven't tried so far. But why don't you just use a model inside a model? I used a model as attention layer in a transformerlike architecture. Also reduces memory load if used more than once.

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Hi @BenjaminWegener,

Because all the model I found aren't trainable. So I thought to create my own.
I was only able to load bert models as a tf.graphModel which is not trainable (only inference). If you found a way to do it please help me.

I just need to finetune a bert or any transformer like attention model and then put a classifier head on top.

However, using tf.layers inside a custom layer should be a nice feature to have.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Have a great day

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BenjaminWegener commented Apr 14, 2021

I have no running example at hand, I am trying to build gpt2 in tfjs. so far i'm stuck with the beamsearch/topk sampling - the results are not so promising (repeating words etc.)
but i can give you this, hope it helps.

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I've done a PR to tfjs for an AttentionLayer if it's helpful to you.

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I've done a PR to tfjs for an AttentionLayer if it's helpful to you.

Nice, thank you.

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Thanks for example.

Just small extension, if you are working with 2 input layers(like a+b)

return inputShape[0];

return tf.tidy(() =>
var a = input[0], b=input[1];
return a.add(b);

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