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Created June 7, 2015 05:47
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#include "XMLHttpRequest.h"
XMLHttpRequest::XMLHttpRequest(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent),
void XMLHttpRequest::open(QString method, QString url)
p_method = method;
p_request = Request(new QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)));
// clean state when a new ajax is made.
p_status = 0;
p_readyState = 0;
p_responseText = "";
p_statusText = "";
void XMLHttpRequest::send(QString data)
auto bytedata = data.toUtf8();
if (p_method == "POST")
p_reply = Reply(*p_request, bytedata));
else if (p_method == "GET")
p_reply = Reply(p_networkmanager.get(*p_request));
else if (p_method == "PUT")
p_reply = Reply(p_networkmanager.put(*p_request, bytedata));
else if (p_method == "DELETE")
p_reply = Reply(p_networkmanager.deleteResource(*p_request));
connect(&(*p_reply), &QNetworkReply::finished,
p_responseText = QString::fromUtf8(p_reply->readAll());
p_status = p_reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
p_statusText = QString::fromUtf8(p_reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute).toByteArray());
p_readyState = 4;
if (p_reply->error())
p_status = p_reply->error();
p_statusText = p_reply->errorString();
emit onreadystatechange();
void XMLHttpRequest::send()
QString XMLHttpRequest::getAllResponseHeaders()
if (!p_readyState)
return "";
QStringList output;
foreach (auto header, p_reply->rawHeaderPairs())
QString stringHeader;
stringHeader = QString("%1: %2").arg(QString::fromUtf8(header.first),
output << stringHeader;
return output.join("\n");
QString XMLHttpRequest::getResponseHeader(QString header)
if (!p_readyState)
return "";
return QString::fromUtf8(p_reply->rawHeader(header.toUtf8()));
int XMLHttpRequest::getStatus()
return p_status;
QString XMLHttpRequest::getStatusText()
return p_statusText;
int XMLHttpRequest::getReadyState()
return p_readyState;
QString XMLHttpRequest::getResponseText()
return p_responseText;
void XMLHttpRequest::setup(QSharedPointer<QScriptEngine> engine)
QScriptValue XMLHttpRequest_ctor(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine *engine)
return engine->toScriptValue(XMLHttpRequest());
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