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Last active December 13, 2019 03:20
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Disable eslint rules in a breeze.
const fs = require('fs')
const input = ''
const _log = ({ type, value }) => {
console.log(`[ eslater ${type} ]` + (value ? ` - ${value}` : ''))
const read = () => {
return input
const getFileRulesMap = (input) => {
return input.split('\n\n').reduce((fileRulesMap, group) => {
const [file, ...rules] = group.split('\n')
const rulesMap = rules.reduce((map, rule) => {
map[rule.split(' ').pop()] = ''
return map
}, {})
fileRulesMap[file] = Object.keys(rulesMap)
return fileRulesMap
}, {})
const getDisableComment = (rule) => `/* eslint-disable ${rule} */`
const eslintDisable = (fileRulesMap) => {
let writtenCount = 0
Object.entries(fileRulesMap).forEach(([filePath, rules]) => {
let rawContent
try {
rawContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
} catch (err) {
_log({ type: 'failed to read', value: err })
if (rawContent === undefined) {
const newContent = `${'\n')}\n${rawContent}`
try {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, newContent)
} catch (err) {
_log({ type: 'failed to write', value: err })
if (writtenCount > 0) {
return writtenCount
const eslater = () => {
_log({ type: 'starts' })
_log({ type: 'reading' })
const input = read()
_log({ type: 'parsing' })
const fileRulesMap = getFileRulesMap(input)
_log({ type: 'writing' })
const writtenCount = eslintDisable(fileRulesMap)
_log({ type: 'done', value: `${writtenCount} files written` })
* example format of `input`:
53:63 error ["DEFAULT"] is better written in dot notation dot-notation
193:5 error Identifier 'with_border' is not in camel case camelcase
194:5 error Identifier 'with_background' is not in camel case camelcase
75:3 error propType "options" is not required, but has no corresponding defaultProps declaration react/require-default-props
83:3 error propType "defaultOption" is not required, but has no corresponding defaultProps declaration react/require-default-props
67:58 error ["Oceania"] is better written in dot notation dot-notation
73:58 error ["Africa"] is better written in dot notation dot-notation
* comments that used to disable eslint rules will be prepended right after you "eslater"
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