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Created September 23, 2024 19:24
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Postgres Optimization and Performance Tuning

Postgres Optimization and Performance Tuning

based on the following article: An Introduction to PostgreSQL Performance Tuning and Optimization

Resource Usage

  • huge pages: Enabling on Linux will give a performance boost to PostgreSQL (VMPeak / HugePageSize = 4310)
  • max_connections: optimal number is roughly 4 times the number of CPU cores. The recommended number is the GREATEST(4 x CPU cores, 100). Beyond this number, a connection pooler such as pgbouncer should be used. avoid setting max_connections too high as it will increase the size of various data structures in Postgres which can result in CPU cycles being wasted
  • shared_buffers: variable by workload - starting Point: LEAST(RAM/2, 10GB).
  • work_mem: ((Total RAM - shared_buffers)/(16 x CPU cores))
  • maintenance_work_mem: 1GB good start
  • effective_io_concurrency: SSD = 200, HDD = Number of Disks

Write Ahead Log

  • wal_compression: compresses a full-page image written to WAL -> Set this parameter to 'on' as most database servers are likely to be bottlenecked on I/O rather than CPU
  • **wal_log_hints **required for pg_rewind -> set it "on"
  • wal_buffers: 16MB each WAL segment by default, Larger buffer sizes have been observed to have a potentially very positive effect on performance -> 64MB recommended
  • checkpoint_timeout: Longer timeouts reduce overall WAL volume but make crash recovery take longer. Minimum: 15 min -> RPO of business requirements dictates what this should be
  • checkpoint_completion_target: 0.9 recommended value
  • max_wal_size: recommended is half to two-thirds of the available disk space where the WAL is located
  • archive_mode: should be 'on'
  • archive_command: a valid archive_command is required if archive_mode is on

Query Tuning:

  • random_page_cost: SSD -> 1.1; HDD -> default should be fine
  • effective_cache_size: value = shared_buffers + Linux buffer cache (refers to caches in main memory, not CPU cache)
  • cpu_tuple_cost: default = 0.01; should be increased to 0.03

Reporting and Logging:

  • logging_collector: if log_destination includes stderr or csvlog -> on
  • log_directory: If logging_collector is on -> location outside the data directory
  • log_checkpoints: should be on
  • log_line_prefix: Suggested value: '%m [%p-%l] %u@%d app=%a '
  • log_lock_waits: should be on
  • log_statement: set to 'ddl'
  • log_temp_files: set to 0
  • timed_statistics (EPAS): When set to on, timing data is collected. Set this parameter to on.


  • log_autovacuum_min_duration: suggested: 0 - tune by Monitoring autovacuum activity
  • autovacuum_max_workers: default = 3; suggested = 5
  • autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit: recommended = 3000

Client Connection Defaults:

  • idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: timer will terminate sessions that remain idle in a transaction for too long (if application can handle it, suggested: 10 minutes)
  • lc_messages: Set this to 'C' to avoid translation
  • shared_preload_libraries: Adding pg_stat_statements is low overhead and high value (recommended but optional)  

Finding slow queries:

Take a look at...

  • the log_min_duration_statement parameter (indicates how long a query must run before it is sent to the log file); and
  • the pg_stat_statements module and extension (module does is record every single (completed) query that the server executes)
  • your queries by using EXPLAIN to analyze them and rewrite slow queries to be more efficient
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