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// *****************************************************************************
// OPMC Australia -
// (C) 2013 - 2014 Peter Newman. All Rights Reserved.
// *****************************************************************************
namespace greatKiwi_paymentGateways_alipayCrossBorder ;
* Builds and returns the URL and query string for an Alipay Cross-Border
* payment request.
* Also does error checking of the payment request parameters (to be sent to
* Alipay in the query string).
* @param string $alipay_partner_id The merchant's 16-digit "Partner ID"
* @param string $alipay_partner_id The merchant's 32-alnum "Security Code"
* @param bool $is_alipay_test_transaction Buyer email is ""
* @param array $alipay_params_in An associative array with info. needed for
* the payment request.
* @return mixed $result Numerically indexed array on SUCCESS:-
* $result = array(
* $alipay_gateway_url ,
* $query_string
* )
* Or $error_message string on FAILURE.
function get_url_and_query_string_for_payment_request(
$alipay_partner_id ,
$alipay_security_code ,
$is_alipay_test_transaction ,
$alipay_params_in ,
$pay_in_rmb ,
) {
$alipay_params_to_send = array() ;
$alipay_params_to_send['service'] = 'create_forex_trade_wap' ;
$alipay_params_to_send['service'] = 'create_forex_trade' ;
$alipay_settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_alipay_cross_border_settings' );
// print_r($alipay_settings);die;
$custom_arrtibute_field = $alipay_settings['custom_arrtibutes_field'];
$custome_cate_feild = $alipay_settings['custom_cate_field'];
$trade_info = $alipay_settings['alipay_trade_information'];
if($trade_info == '1') {
} else if($trade_info == '2'){
} else if($trade_info == '3'){
} else if($trade_info == '4'){
$items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
$goods_info = '';
$total_qty = '';
foreach($items as $item => $values) {
$_product = wc_get_product( $values['data']->get_id());
$product_type = $_product->post_type;
$parent_id = $_product->get_parent_id();
if($parent_id != '0')
$term_id = get_the_terms( $parent_id, 'product_cat' );
$term_name = $term_id[0]->name;
$product_category_ids = $_product->get_category_ids();
$cat_iddd = $product_category_ids[0];
$cate_name = get_the_category_by_ID( $cat_iddd );
if($product_type == 'product')
$prod_variations = $_product->get_attributes();
$res = array_values($prod_variations);
$p_attributes = implode(' ',$res);
$product_name = $_product->get_title();
$product_qty = $values['quantity'];
$total_qty = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
if($custome_cate_feild == 'yes' && $custom_arrtibute_field =='yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$p_attributes." ".$category_name."^".$product_qty."|";
else if($custome_cate_feild == 'yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$category_name."^".$product_qty."|";
else if($custom_arrtibute_field == 'yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$p_attributes."^".$product_qty."|";
$goods_info .= $product_name."^".$product_qty."|";
$goods_info = substr($goods_info, 0, -1);
$alipay_params_to_send['trade_information'] = '{"business_type":"4","goods_info":"'.$goods_info.'", "total_quantity":"'.$total_qty.'"}';
// $alipay_params_to_send['trade_information'] = json_encode(array("business_type" => "4","goods_info"=>$goods_info, "total_quantity"=>$total_qty));
}else if($trade_info == '5'){
$items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
$goods_info = '';
$total_qty = '';
foreach($items as $item => $values) {
$_product = wc_get_product( $values['data']->get_id());
$product_type = $_product->post_type;
$parent_id = $_product->get_parent_id();
if($parent_id != '0')
$term_id = get_the_terms( $parent_id, 'product_cat' );
$term_name = $term_id[0]->name;
$product_category_ids = $_product->get_category_ids();
$cat_iddd = $product_category_ids[0];
$cate_name = get_the_category_by_ID( $cat_iddd );
if($product_type == 'product')
$prod_variations = $_product->get_attributes();
$res = array_values($prod_variations);
$p_attributes = implode(' ',$res);
$product_name = $_product->get_title();
$product_qty = $values['quantity'];
$total_qty = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count();
if($custome_cate_feild == 'yes' && $custom_arrtibute_field =='yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$p_attributes." ".$category_name."^".$product_qty."|";
else if($custome_cate_feild == 'yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$category_name."^".$product_qty."|";
else if($custom_arrtibute_field == 'yes')
$goods_info .= $product_name." ".$p_attributes."^".$product_qty."|";
$goods_info .= $product_name."^".$product_qty."|";
$goods_info = substr($goods_info, 0, -1);
$alipay_params_to_send['trade_information'] = '{"business_type":"5","goods_info":"'.$goods_info.'", "total_quantity":"'.$total_qty.'"}';
//$alipay_params_to_send['trade_information'] = json_encode(array("business_type" => "5","goods_info"=>$goods_info, "total_quantity"=>$total_qty));
//$alipay_params_to_send['trade_information'] = $alipay_params_in['notify_url'];
if($payment_border_setting != "OB"){
$alipay_params_to_send['app_pay'] = 'Y' ;
$alipay_params_to_send['product_code'] = 'NEW_WAP_OVERSEAS_SELLER' ;
$alipay_params_to_send['product_code'] = 'NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER' ;
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_partner_id )
! ctype_digit( $alipay_partner_id )
strlen( $alipay_partner_id ) !== 16
) {
return __('Bad "<strong>alipay_partner_id</strong>" (must be exactly 16 digits)', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['partner'] = $alipay_partner_id ;
/*Refer url*/
$alipay_params_to_send['refer_url'] = get_home_url();
/*End Refer url*/
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_security_code )
! ctype_alnum( $alipay_security_code )
strlen( $alipay_security_code ) !== 32
) {
return __('Bad "<strong>Alipay Security Code</strong>" (must be a 32-character alphanumeric string)', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( ! isset( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ) ) {
return __('"notify_url" parameter is REQUIRED (when making Alipay payment requests)', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "notify_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['notify_url'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "notify_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$min_notify_url_length = strlen( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ;
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ) < $min_notify_url_length ) {
return __('Bad "notify_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Doesn\'t appear to be a valid URL on this site.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ) > 200 ) {
return __('Bad "notify_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be no longer than 200 characters.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['notify_url'] = $alipay_params_in['notify_url'] ;
if ( isset( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ) ) {
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "return_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['return_url'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "return_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$min_return_url_length = strlen( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ;
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ) < $min_return_url_length ) {
return __('Bad "return_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Doesn\'t appear to be a valid URL on this site.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ) > 200 ) {
return __('Bad "return_url" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be no longer than 200 characters.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['return_url'] = $alipay_params_in['return_url'] ;
if ( ! isset( $alipay_params_in['subject'] ) ) {
return __('"subject" parameter is REQUIRED (when making Alipay payment requests)', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['subject'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "subject" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['subject'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['subject'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['subject'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "subject" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$min_subject_length = strlen( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ;
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['subject'] ) < $min_subject_length ) {
return __('Bad "subject" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Doesn\'t appear to be a valid URL on this site.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['subject'] ) > 256 ) {
return __('Bad "subject" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be no longer than 256 characters.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['subject'] = $alipay_params_in['subject'] ;
if ( isset( $alipay_params_in['body'] ) ) {
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['body'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "body" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['body'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['body'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['body'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "body" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['body'] ) > 400 ) {
return __('Bad "body" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be no longer than 400 characters.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['body'] = $alipay_params_in['body'] ;
if ( ! isset( $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] ) ) {
return __('"out_trade_no" parameter is REQUIRED (when making Alipay payment requests)', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "out_trade_no" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "out_trade_no" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] ) > 64 ) {
return __('Bad "out_trade_no" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be no longer than 64 characters.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_to_send['out_trade_no'] = $alipay_params_in['out_trade_no'] ;
if ( ! isset( $alipay_params_in['currency'] ) ) {
return __('"currency" parameter is REQUIRED (when making Alipay payment requests)', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['currency'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "currency" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['currency'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['currency'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['currency'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "currency" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
if ( strlen( $alipay_params_in['currency'] ) !== 3
! ctype_alpha( $alipay_params_in['currency'] )
) {
return __('Bad "currency" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Not a 3 letter currency code.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_supported_currencies = array(
'GBP' => 'British Sterling' ,
'HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar' ,
'USD' => 'U.S. Dollar' ,
'CHF' => 'Confederation Helvetica Franc' ,
'CNY' => 'Chinese yuan' ,
'SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar' ,
'SEK' => 'Swedish Krona' ,
'DKK' => 'Danish Krone' ,
'NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone' ,
'JPY' => 'Japanese Yen' ,
'CAD' => 'Canada Dollar' ,
'AUD' => 'Australian Dollar' ,
'NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar' ,
'THB' => 'Thai Baht' ,
'EUR' => 'Euro'
) ;
// NOTE!
// -----
// All but JPY have 2 digits after the decimal point.
// JPY has NO such digits.
$alipay_params_in['currency'] = strtoupper( $alipay_params_in['currency'] ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! array_key_exists( $alipay_params_in['currency'] , $alipay_supported_currencies ) ) {
return sprintf( __('Bad "currency" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; <strong>%s</strong> isn\'t supported by Alipay Cross-Border.', 'alipay-cross-border'), $alipay_params_in['currency'] );
$alipay_params_to_send['currency'] = $alipay_params_in['currency'] ;
if ( ! isset( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ) ) {
return __('"total_fee" parameter is REQUIRED (when making Alipay payment requests)', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE!
// -----
// The spec. for "total_fee" is somewhat confusing:-
// 1. "Number(8,2)" appears to suggest the SQL way of specifying
// numbers. Ie:-
// o Max 8 digits in total
// o Exactly 2 digits after the decimal point.
// Ie:-
// Min: 0.00
// Max: 999999.99
// 2. "A floating number ranging 0.01 to 1000000.00" says:-
// Min: 0.00
// Max: 1000000.00
// For now, we'll resolve this by assuming that BOTH:-
// o Number(8,2)
// o 1000000.00
// are valid.
// ---
// To further complicate things, the "Currency List" in Section 6.1 of:-
// says that for JPY, there are NO digits after the decimal point. And for
// all other currencies there are 2 digits.
// So we assume that for JPY, the max. value is:-
// 99999999
// Ie; Max 8 digits.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( is_float( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] )
is_int( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] )
) {
$alipay_params_in['total_fee'] = (string) $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ;
} elseif ( is_string( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ) ) {
$alipay_params_in['total_fee'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ) ;
} else {
return __('Bad "total_fee" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String, float or int required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$alipay_params_in['total_fee'] = ltrim( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] , '0' ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] === '' ) {
return __('Unexpected "total_fee" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; There is <strong>NOTHING TO PAY</strong>.', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $alipay_params_in['currency'] === 'JPY' ) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// JPY
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! ctype_digit( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] )
strlen( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ) > 8
) {
return __('Bad "total_fee" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; For JPY, must be 1 to 99999999 Yen.', 'alipay-cross-border');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
} else {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Other Currencies
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $alipay_params_in['total_fee'][0] === '.' ) {
$alipay_params_in['total_fee'] = '0' . $alipay_params_in['total_fee'] ;
// Replace stripped leading 0, if needed
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( floatval($alipay_params_in['total_fee']) < 0.01 or floatval($alipay_params_in['total_fee']) > 1000000.00 ){// === '0.00' ) {
return __('Bad "total_fee" parameter (for Alipay payment request01).&nbsp; Must be 0.01 to 1000000.00', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$alipay_params_to_send['total_fee'] = round(floatval($alipay_params_in['total_fee']),2) ;
if ( $is_alipay_test_transaction and !($pay_in_rmb == 'yes') ) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $alipay_params_in['currency'] === 'JPY' ) {
$alipay_params_to_send['total_fee'] = '1' ;
} else {
$alipay_params_to_send['total_fee'] = '0.01' ;
if($pay_in_rmb == 'yes'){
$alipay_params_to_send['rmb_fee'] = $alipay_params_to_send['total_fee'];
if ( isset( $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] ) ) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! is_string( $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] ) ) {
return __('Bad "order_gmt_create" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; String required.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] = trim( $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] ) ;
if ( $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] === '' ) {
return __('Bad "order_gmt_create" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be non-empty/non-blank string.', 'alipay-cross-border');
$regex_order_gmt_create = '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/' ;
// Ie: It's like a MySQL format date/time.
$number_matches = preg_match(
$regex_order_gmt_create ,
) ;
if ( $number_matches === FALSE ) {
return __('"preg_match()" failure checking "order_gmt_create" parameter (for Alipay payment request).', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $number_matches !== 1 ) {
return sprintf( __('Bad "order_gmt_create" parameter (for Alipay payment request).&nbsp; Must be "%s".&nbsp; Was: %s', 'alipay-cross-border'), "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] );
$alipay_params_to_send['order_gmt_create'] = $alipay_params_in['order_gmt_create'] ;
$allowed_alipay_paramater_names = array(
'notify_url' ,
'return_url' ,
'subject' ,
'out_trade_no' ,
'currency' ,
'total_fee' ,
'trade_information' ,
'refer_url' , 'product_code' ,
'return_url' ,
'body' ,
) ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ( $alipay_params_in as $name => $value ) {
if ( ! in_array( $name , $allowed_alipay_paramater_names , TRUE ) ) {
return sprintf( __('Unrecognised/unsupported parameter "%s" (for Alipay payment request).', 'alipay-cross-border'), $name );
* this is extra parameter added to include _input_charset parameter to the url request
$alipay_params_to_send['_input_charset'] = "utf-8" ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bool ksort ( array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ] )
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Sorts an array by key, maintaining key to data correlations. This is
// useful mainly for associative arrays.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ok = ksort( $alipay_params_to_send ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $ok !== TRUE ) {
return __('"ksort()" failure #1 - preparing query string parameters for Alipay', 'alipay-cross-border');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$signature_string = '' ;
$comma = '' ;
error_log(print_r(array('alipay_params_to_send before concatenating in signature string'=>$alipay_params_to_send),true));
foreach ( $alipay_params_to_send as $name => $value ) {
if($name == 'return_url'){
$value = urldecode($value);
if ( trim( $value ) !== '' ) {
$signature_string .= $comma . $name . '=' . $value ;
$comma = '&' ;
$signature_string .= $alipay_security_code ;
error_log(print_r(array('signature_string before md5'=>$signature_string),true));
$md5 = md5( $signature_string ) ;
error_log(print_r(array('signature_string after md5'=>$md5),true));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$alipay_params_to_send['sign'] = $md5 ;
$alipay_params_to_send['sign_type'] = 'MD5' ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ok = ksort( $alipay_params_to_send ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $ok !== TRUE ) {
return __('"ksort()" failure #2 - preparing query string parameters for Alipay', 'alipay-cross-border');
// =========================================================================
// Create the Alipay GET request URL and Query String...
// =========================================================================
//$url = '' ;
$url = '' ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$query_string = '' ;
$comma = '' ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach ( $alipay_params_to_send as $name => $value ) {
if($name == 'return_url'){
$pieces = explode("?", $value);
$r_url = ( $pieces[0] . '?' . urlencode( $pieces[1] ));
$r_url = str_replace( ":","%3A", $r_url );
$r_url = str_replace( "/","%2F", $r_url );
$r_url = str_replace( "?","%3F", $r_url );
$query_string .= $comma . $name . '=' . $r_url ;
} else {
$query_string .= $comma . $name . '=' . urlencode( $value ) ;
$comma = '&' ;
// $comma = '%26' ; // To defeat the "&not" / "&curren" (etc)
// browser bug ("feature?")
/* echo '<pre>';
die; */
// =========================================================================
// =========================================================================
/* print_r(array(
$url ,
) );
echo urldecode($query_string);
exit; */
return array(
$url ,
) ;
// =========================================================================
// That's that!
// =========================================================================
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