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Created August 6, 2019 16:05
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Floyd-Steinberg dithering in Python (quite fast via Numba JIT)
from numba import jit
import numpy as np
def floyd_steinberg(image):
# image: np.array of shape (height, width), dtype=float, 0.0-1.0
# works in-place!
h, w = image.shape
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
old = image[y, x]
new = np.round(old)
image[y, x] = new
error = old - new
# precomputing the constants helps
if x + 1 < w:
image[y, x + 1] += error * 0.4375 # right, 7 / 16
if (y + 1 < h) and (x + 1 < w):
image[y + 1, x + 1] += error * 0.0625 # right, down, 1 / 16
if y + 1 < h:
image[y + 1, x] += error * 0.3125 # down, 5 / 16
if (x - 1 >= 0) and (y + 1 < h):
image[y + 1, x - 1] += error * 0.1875 # left, down, 3 / 16
return image
# example usage - in a Jupyter notebook
from PIL import Image
def pil_to_np(pilimage):
return np.array(pilimage) / 255
def np_to_pil(image):
return Image.fromarray((image * 255).astype('uint8'))
!wget '' -O david-statue.jpg
img_statue ='david-statue.jpg').convert('L')
img_statue_array = pil_to_np(img_statue)
# eg. ~ 0.5 ms / image via Numba, ~ 770 ms / image plain Pyhton (on an older MacBook)
%timeit floyd_steinberg(img_statue_array)
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