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Created October 18, 2017 23:07
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Quick example implementation of a MinHeap
class MinHeap {
private int Capacity { get; set; }
private int Size { get; set; }
private int[] Items;
public MinHeap(int capacity) {
Capacity = capacity;
Size = 0;
Items = new int[capacity];
public MinHeap(int[] array) : this(array.Length) {
foreach (var i in array) {
public int Peek() => Items[0];
public int Pop() {
var ret = Items[0];
Items[0] = Items[--Size];
return ret;
public int Pop(int quantity) {
for (var i = 0; i < quantity-1; i++) Pop();
return Pop();
public void Push(int item) {
Items[Size++] = item;
private void HeapifyUp() {
var index = Size - 1;
while (HasParent(index) && Parent(index) > Items[index]) {
Swap(ParentIndex(index), index);
index = ParentIndex(index);
private void HeapifyDown() {
var index = 0;
while (HasLeftChild(index)) {
int smallerChildIndex = LeftChildIndex(index);
if (HasRightChild(index) && RightChild(index) < LeftChild(index)) {
smallerChildIndex = RightChildIndex(index);
if (Items[index] < Items[smallerChildIndex]) break;
else {
Swap(index, smallerChildIndex);
index = smallerChildIndex;
private int LeftChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 1;
private int RightChildIndex(int index) => 2 * index + 2;
private int ParentIndex(int index) => (index - 1) / 2;
private bool HasLeftChild(int index) => LeftChildIndex(index) < Size;
private bool HasRightChild(int index) => RightChildIndex(index) < Size;
private bool HasParent(int index) => ParentIndex(index) >= 0;
private int LeftChild(int index) => Items[LeftChildIndex(index)];
private int RightChild(int index) => Items[RightChildIndex(index)];
private int Parent(int index) => Items[ParentIndex(index)];
private void Swap(int indexA, int indexB) {
int buffer = Items[indexA];
Items[indexA] = Items[indexB];
Items[indexB] = buffer;
private void DoubleCapacityIfFull() {
if (Size != Capacity) return;
var tmp = new int[Capacity*2];
for (var i = 0; i < Capacity; i++) {
tmp[i] = Items[i];
Capacity = Capacity*2;
Items = tmp;
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