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Created March 16, 2017 02:04
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Stylus Best Practices

Stylus Best Practices


This is a curated set of conventions and best practices for Stylus, an expressive, dynamic, robust and advanced CSS preprocessor. Frustrated with there not being a set of conventions set in place (that could be easily found), I set forth to find out on my own.

The majority of my findings come from working on Axis, a terse, modular and powerful CSS framework by the awesome Jeff Escalante of Carrot Creative. Some findings come from examining any repeating patterns in existing libraries (like Nib).


Stylus is nice and welcoming. It's syntax is warm and forgiving. This friendly neighbourhood preprocessor does not differentiate between pure-CSS or indentation-based, bracketless code. It tries to be as transparent as possible, especially when it comes to mixins.

This is it's biggest flaw.

Not that Stylus is an overly-flawed preprocessor, it's actually quite the opposite. Out of all of the preprocessors I've tried, Stylus is - in my opinion; the most superior.

It's problem lies in the fact that because it's syntax is so forgiving, and there are so many different ways to write a block of Stylus code; it can be confusing to learn - it supplies the developer with no definitive direction. This, I postulate, is the main reason that it has not received as much attention as it should have.

The confusion doesn't stop at learning, though. Once you're engrained in variables, mixins and functions not requiring a prepended dollar sign ($) or 'at' symbol (@), you'll soon start to realize that you can no longer tell the difference between them. This makes for very confusing code - and this is only one example of Stylus' quirks.

This is why conventions and best practices need to be put in place (and I'm rather surprised it's taken this long!).

Letter Casing

If you're wondering how to structure tidbits of your Stylus code, and one of the questions you have is "Camel Case, Underscores or Hyphenated?", then you need to examine HTML and CSS very closely.

Which of the following do you see more often in CSS?

a) linearGradient
b) linear_gradient
c) linear-gradient

If you chose 'C', then there's your answer. Try keep things hyphenated. It just makes sense.

Which syntax?

Stylus supports near to anything you throw at it. You have the freedom of choice here.

If you prefer looking at neat code, this syntax is for you:

  border-radius: 15px
  border: 1px solid blue

If you're fond of your curly braces, then you can have them (and keep them, thanks):

.selector {
  border-radius: 15px;
  border: 1px solid blue

Stylus supports punctuated code as well as code that has an inherent lack of punctuation. It even allows you to remove colons. But you should not do this, as it makes for very unreadable code in large projects. It may be quick to type, but it is not quick to scan or read.

  border-radius 15px // hard to read.

Variable Naming

This convention splits off into two categories, and there are approximately the same amount of users for both conventions.

Stylus doesn't force you to declare variables with anything prepended to them - you simply define a variable like so:

my-variable = 'hey look, a variable!'

Some developers like this, others don't. Some like to declare them with a dollar sign:

$my-variable = "I've got bling"

I've seen a few developers argue that adding in that extra dollar sign adds "way too much bloat". Well, in Stylus - there are actually benefits to using the dollar sign.

The first benefit; your variables are now easier to spot. You know what to look for in order to quickly find them in your code.

The second benefit, and most important - is that you will never run into Transparent Mixin Keyword Argument Conflicts (patent pending).

If you're wondering what I mean by that gargantuan term, let me demonstrate. Suppose you wanted to port Compass' Vertical Rhythm module to Stylus, and you reached the point of bringing in the shorthand rhythm() mixin. This is what you'd end up with:

rhythm(leader = 0, padding-leader = 0, padding-trailer = 0, trailer = 0, font-size = base-font-size)
  leader: leader, font-size
  padding-leader: padding-leader, font-size
  padding-trailer: padding-trailer, font-size
  trailer: trailer, font-size

This is invalid Stylus. It does not throw an error, though. It fails silently. Everything compiles except this mixin. If there were any best way to confuse a compiler, this would be the way to do it. What's happening here is that the rhythm mixin has it's own local variable scope, and within that scope, leader, trailer and friends are not mixins. They are keyword arguments.

By prepending the dollar sign, your mixins stay safe - $leader is not the same as leader.

rhythm($leader = 0, $padding-leader = 0, $padding-trailer = 0, $trailer = 0, $font-size = $base-font-size)
  leader: $leader, $font-size
  padding-leader: $padding-leader, $font-size
  padding-trailer: $padding-trailer, $font-size
  trailer: $trailer, $font-size

The code may be relatively long, but it's readable, and that is a good thing.

For those developers who want to do away with the dollar sign, though - an accepted convention is to sacrifice a little readability by aliasing the keyword arguments to a short acronym:

rhythm(l = 0, pl= 0, pt = 0, t = 0, font-size = base-font-size)
  leader: l, font-size
  padding-leader: pl, font-size
  padding-trailer: pt, font-size
  trailer: t, font-size

Mixin Naming

Naming mixins in Stylus is fairly straightforward, but eventually you might run into a problem that Jeff and I encountered in Axis. There's no snappy name for it (yet), but there is a rule to follow. The problem we encountered was with a mixin that Jeff created for rapid creation of navigation bars in Axis:

  // pretend there's some code here

Can you spot the problem yet? No? C'mon - it's easy to see what's wrong here. It's just a mixin definition with nothing underneath it!

Still can't guess? Well - here's the thing; nav is an element that is already present in HTML5.

So, what does that mean for us? I'll tell you. Suppose, later on down the line, you want to style a ul inside a separate nav element...

nav ul
  list-style-type: none

...And then things start to break. You get a confusing error message that makes no sense, and you don't know what to do. It took me three hours to learn what was actually going on. Stylus interpreted the nav selector as a mixin, and passed ul as a parameter. That's some pretty weird behaviour. So, quick tip:

Never name your mixins after HTML elements!

Mixin Introspection

Stylus has two different levels of introspection, meaning that mixins and functions can be called at either the root or block level, and are capable of being aware of what level they were called at.

Block level mixins are called inside the body of a CSS selector. Root level mixins are called outside of that scope.

root-mixin() // a root level mixin
  block-mixin() // a block level mixin

Root-level mixins and block-level mixins without arguments should always be called with parentheses. Block-level mixins with arguments should be called transparently, as if they were a CSS property:

foo() // root level w/ parens
  bar() // no argments, must have parens
  baz: 1px, 3px, 5px // has args, no parens

Folowing this particular convention will not only make your code more readable and maintainable, but it will also prevent a few rare compilation errors.

Function Naming

We've discussed most of the apparent conventions in Stylus - but what about functions? They're still kinda hard to differentiate from mixins...

Well, have a good look at Nib and a few other Stylus libraries. Notice anything?

I bet you did - it seems like most functions are prepended with a hyphen. Now, it's easy to tell mixins and functions apart!

  return 4px // gauranteed to be random. Now look away ;)
  font-size: -random-number()

Conditional Assignment

Stylus supports two forms of conditional assignment. One of them is the recommended way to establish a global settings file.

I'll let you guess which one looks better in a conditional statement and which one looks more... settings-appropriate.

$my-variable1 ?= red
$my-variable2 := blue

If you guessed that the second one is better for settings files, then you were right.

Placeholder Selectors

Stylus didn't always use to have placeholder selectors, and there were some conventions regarding this. But now, it does have placeholder selectors. They are prepended with a dollar sign.

  background: red
  @extends $placeholder

Optional Child Selector

Sometimes, when you're working with dynamic content - you might have a selector, inside a selector, inside another selector. Let's assume they have a class of .a, .b and .c, respectively.

You want to select .c, but .b is not always present on the page. Using the Stylus parent selector (&), you can still adjust your stylesheet to be aware of that:

  > .b, &
    > .c
      color: red

Now, even if .b is not present, .c will still get styled appropriately.

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