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Last active January 21, 2019 07:19
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Collection of XCode commands & other MAC terminal commands collections for reference.
//To show touch impression in simulator
//Note: Restart simulator after executing
defaults write ShowSingleTouches 1
//To record video in the simulator
//Note : Close simulator and run command
xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo ~/Desktop/record_file_name.mp4
//To show hidden files in the mac
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
//Delete all unused simulators - Free up mamoth Space
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
//In addition to the use of the Edit Menu in to copy data between the macOS and iOS pasteboards, with Xcode 8, //you can do this from the simctl command line. Check out:
xcrun simctl pbinfo
xcrun simctl pbsync
xcrun simctl pbcopy
xcrun simctl pbpaste
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