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Last active April 8, 2024 16:14
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more useful TS types
declare global {
type NonFalsy<T> = T extends false | 0 | "" | null | undefined | 0n ? never : T
interface Array<T> {
filter(predicate: BooleanConstructor, thisArg?: any): NonFalsy<T>[]
includes<S, R extends `${Extract<S, string>}`>(
this: ReadonlyArray<R>,
searchElement: S,
fromIndex?: number,
): searchElement is R & S
interface ReadonlyArray<T> {
filter(predicate: BooleanConstructor, thisArg?: any): NonFalsy<T>[]
includes<S, R extends `${Extract<S, string>}`>(
this: ReadonlyArray<R>,
searchElement: S,
fromIndex?: number,
): searchElement is R & S
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