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Forked from saitjr/symbolicatecrash
Created October 21, 2018 14:20
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Advance version of symbolicatecrash
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script parses a crashdump file and attempts to resolve addresses into function names.
# It finds symbol-rich binaries by:
# a) searching in Spotlight to find .dSYM files by UUID, then finding the executable from there.
# That finds the symbols for binaries that a developer has built with "DWARF with dSYM File".
# b) searching in various SDK directories.
# Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Glob ':glob';
use Env qw(DEVELOPER_DIR);
use Config;
no warnings "portable";
require bigint;
if($Config{ivsize} < 8) {
# Forward definitons
sub usage();
# read and parse command line
my $opt_help = 0;
my $opt_verbose = 0;
my $opt_output = "-";
my @opt_dsyms = ();
my $opt_spotlight = 1;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
GetOptions ("help|h" => \$opt_help,
"verbose|v" => \$opt_verbose,
"output|o=s" => \$opt_output,
"dsym|d=s" => \@opt_dsyms,
"spotlight!" => \$opt_spotlight)
or die("Error in command line arguments\n");
usage() if $opt_help;
# have this thing to de-HTMLize Leopard-era plists
my %entity2char = (
# Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
amp => '&', # ampersand
'gt' => '>', # greater than
'lt' => '<', # less than
quot => '"', # double quote
apos => "'", # single quote
if(!defined($DEVELOPER_DIR)) {
die "Error: \"DEVELOPER_DIR\" is not defined";
# We will find these tools once we can guess the right SDK
my $otool = undef;
my $atos = undef;
my $symbolstool = undef;
my $size = undef;
# run the script
exit 0;
# begin subroutines
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<EOF;
$0 [--help] [--dsym=DSYM] [--output OUTPUT_FILE] <LOGFILE> [SYMBOL_PATH ...]
<LOGFILE> The crash log to be symbolicated. If "-", then the log will be read from stdin
<SYMBOL_PATH> Additional search paths in which to search for symbol rich binaries
-o | --output <OUTPUT_FILE> The symbolicated log will be written to OUTPUT_FILE. Defaults to "-" (i.e. stdout) if not specified
-d | --dsym <DSYM_BUNDLE> Adds additional dSYM that will be consulted if and when a binary's UUID matches (may be specified more than once)
-h | --help Display this help message
-v | --verbose Enables additional output
exit 1;
sub getToolPath {
my ($toolName, $sdkGuess) = @_;
if (!defined($sdkGuess)) {
$sdkGuess = "macosx";
my $toolPath = `'/usr/bin/xcrun' -sdk $sdkGuess -find $toolName`;
if (!defined($toolPath) || $? != 0) {
if ($sdkGuess eq "macosx") {
die "Error: can't find tool named '$toolName' in the $sdkGuess SDK or any fallback SDKs";
} elsif ($sdkGuess eq "iphoneos") {
print STDERR "## Warning: can't find tool named '$toolName' in iOS SDK, falling back to searching the Mac OS X SDK\n";
return getToolPath($toolName, "macosx");
} else {
print STDERR "## Warning: can't find tool named '$toolName' in the $sdkGuess SDK, falling back to searching the iOS SDK\n";
return getToolPath($toolName, "iphoneos");
chomp $toolPath;
print STDERR "$toolName path is '$toolPath'\n" if $opt_verbose;
return $toolPath;
sub getSymbolDirPaths {
my ($hwModel, $osVersion, $osBuild) = @_;
print STDERR "(\$hwModel, \$osVersion, \$osBuild) = ($hwModel, $osVersion, $osBuild)\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $versionPattern = "{$hwModel $osVersion ($osBuild),$osVersion ($osBuild),$osVersion,$osBuild}";
#my $versionPattern = '*';
print STDERR "\$versionPattern = $versionPattern\n" if $opt_verbose;
my @result = grep { -e && -d } bsd_glob('{/System,,~}/Library/Developer/Xcode/*DeviceSupport/'.$versionPattern.'/Symbols*', GLOB_BRACE | GLOB_TILDE);
foreach my $foundPath (`mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == '' || kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == ''"`) {
chomp $foundPath;
my @pathResults = grep { -e && -d && !/Simulator/ } bsd_glob($foundPath.'/Contents/Developer/Platforms/*.platform/DeviceSupport/'.$versionPattern.'/Symbols*/');
push(@result, @pathResults);
print STDERR "Symbol directory paths: @result\n" if $opt_verbose;
return @result;
sub getSymbolPathAndArchFor_searchpaths {
my ($bin,$path,$arch,$build,$uuid,@extra_search_paths) = @_;
my @results;
if (! (defined $bin && length($bin)) && !(defined $path && length($path)) ) {
return undef;
for my $item (@extra_search_paths) {
my $glob = "$item" . "{";
if (defined $bin && length($bin)) {
$glob .= "$bin,*/$bin,";
if (defined $path && length($path)) {
$glob .= "$path,";
$glob .= "}*";
#print STDERR "\nSearching pattern: [$glob]...\n" if $opt_verbose;
push(@results, grep { -e && (! -d) } bsd_glob ($glob, GLOB_BRACE));
for my $out_path (@results) {
if (defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
return ($out_path, $arch);
return undef;
sub getSymbolPathFor_uuid{
my ($uuid, $uuidsPath) = @_;
$uuid or return undef;
$uuid =~ /(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{8})/;
return Cwd::realpath("$uuidsPath/$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6/$7");
# Convert a uuid from the canonical format, like "C42A118D-722D-2625-F235-7463535854FD",
# to crash log format like "c42a118d722d2625f2357463535854fd".
sub getCrashLogUUIDForCanonicalUUID{
my ($uuid) = @_;
$uuid = lc($uuid);
$uuid =~ s/\-//g;
return $uuid;
# Convert a uuid from the crash log, like "c42a118d722d2625f2357463535854fd",
# to canonical format like "C42A118D-722D-2625-F235-7463535854FD".
sub getCanonicalUUIDForCrashLogUUID{
my ($uuid) = @_;
my $cononical_uuid = uc($uuid); # uuid's in Spotlight database and from other tools are all uppercase
$cononical_uuid =~ /(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})/;
$cononical_uuid = "$1-$2-$3-$4-$5";
return $cononical_uuid;
# Look up a dsym file by UUID in Spotlight, then find the executable from the dsym.
sub getSymbolPathAndArchFor_dsymUuid{
my ($uuid) = @_;
$uuid or return undef;
# Convert a uuid from the crash log, like "c42a118d722d2625f2357463535854fd",
# to canonical format like "C42A118D-722D-2625-F235-7463535854FD".
my $canonical_uuid = getCanonicalUUIDForCrashLogUUID($uuid);
# Do the search in Spotlight.
my $cmd = "mdfind \"com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == $canonical_uuid\"";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
my @dsym_paths = ();
my @archive_paths = ();
foreach my $dsymdir (split(/\n/, `$cmd`)) {
$cmd = "mdls -name com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths ".quotemeta($dsymdir);
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths = `$cmd`;
$com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths =~ s/^com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths\ \= \(\n//;
$com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths =~ s/\n\)//;
my @subpaths = split(/,\n/, $com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths);
map(s/^[[:space:]]*\"//, @subpaths);
map(s/\"[[:space:]]*$//, @subpaths);
push(@dsym_paths, map($dsymdir."/".$_, @subpaths));
if($dsymdir =~ m/\.xcarchive$/) {
push(@archive_paths, $dsymdir);
@dsym_paths = uniq(@dsym_paths);
if ( @dsym_paths >= 1 ) {
foreach my $dsym_path (@dsym_paths) {
my $arch = archForUUID($dsym_path, $uuid);
if (defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "Found dSYM $dsym_path ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
return ($dsym_path, $arch);
print STDERR "Did not find dsym for $uuid\n" if $opt_verbose;
return undef;
sub archForUUID {
my ($path, $uuid) = @_;
if ( ! -f $path ) {
print STDERR "## $path doesn't exist \n" if $opt_verbose;
return undef;
my $cmd;
$cmd = "/usr/bin/file '$path'";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $file_result = `$cmd`;
my $is_dsym = index($file_result, "dSYM companion file") >= 0;
my $canonical_uuid = getCanonicalUUIDForCrashLogUUID($uuid);
my $architectures = "armv[4-8][tfsk]?|arm64|i386|x86_64\\S?";
my $arch;
$cmd = "'$symbolstool' -uuid '$path'";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $symbols_result = `$cmd`;
if($symbols_result =~ /$canonical_uuid\s+($architectures)/) {
$arch = $1;
print STDERR "## $path contains $uuid ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
print STDERR "## $path doesn't contain $uuid\n" if $opt_verbose;
return undef;
$cmd = "'$otool' -arch $arch -l '$path'";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $TEST_uuid = `$cmd`;
if ( $TEST_uuid =~ /uuid ((0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\s+?){16})/ || $TEST_uuid =~ /uuid ([^\s]+)\s/ ) {
my $test = $1;
if ( $test =~ /^0x/ ) {
# old style 0xnn 0xnn 0xnn ... on two lines
$test = join("", split /\s*0x/, $test);
$test =~ s/0x//g; ## remove 0x
$test =~ s/\s//g; ## remove spaces
} else {
$test =~ s/-//g; ## remove -
$test = lc($test);
if ( $test eq $uuid ) {
if ( $is_dsym ) {
return $arch;
} else {
## See that it isn't stripped. Even fully stripped apps have one symbol, so ensure that there is more than one.
my ($nlocalsym) = $TEST_uuid =~ /nlocalsym\s+([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/;
my ($nextdefsym) = $TEST_uuid =~ /nextdefsym\s+([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/;
my $totalsym = $nextdefsym + $nlocalsym;
print STDERR "\nNumber of symbols in $path: $nextdefsym + $nlocalsym = $totalsym\n" if $opt_verbose;
return $arch if ( $totalsym > 1 );
print STDERR "## $path appears to be stripped, skipping.\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
print STDERR "Given UUID $uuid for '$path' is really UUID $test\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
print STDERR "Can't understand the output from otool ($TEST_uuid -> $cmd)\n";
return undef;
return undef;
sub getSymbolPathAndArchFor_manualDSYM {
my ($uuid) = @_;
my @dsym_machos = ();
for my $dsym_path (@opt_dsyms) {
if( -d $dsym_path ) {
#test_path is a directory, assume it's a dSYM bundle and find the mach-o file(s) within
push @dsym_machos, bsd_glob("$dsym_path/Contents/Resources/DWARF/*");
if ( -f $dsym_path ) {
#test_path is a file, assume it's a dSYM macho file
push @dsym_machos, $dsym_path;
#Check the uuid's of each of the found files
for my $macho_path (@dsym_machos) {
print STDERR "Checking “$macho_path\n";
my $arch = archForUUID($macho_path, $uuid);
if (defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "$macho_path matches $uuid ($arch)\n";
return ($macho_path, $arch);
} else {
print STDERR "$macho_path does not match $uuid\n";
return undef;
sub getSymbolPathAndArchFor {
my ($path,$arch,$build,$uuid,@extra_search_paths) = @_;
# derive a few more parameters...
my $bin = ($path =~ /^.*?([^\/]+)$/)[0]; # basename
# Look in the search paths (e.g. the device support directories)
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] CHECK (device support)\n" if $opt_verbose;
for my $func ( \&getSymbolPathAndArchFor_searchpaths, ) {
my ($out_path, $arch) = &$func($bin,$path,$arch,$build,$uuid,@extra_search_paths);
if ( defined($out_path) && length($out_path) && defined($arch) && length($arch) ) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] MATCH (device support): $out_path ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
return ($out_path, $arch);
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] NO MATCH (device support)\n\n" if $opt_verbose;
# Look in any of the manually-passed dSYMs
if( @opt_dsyms ) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] CHECK (manual)\n" if $opt_verbose;
my ($out_path, $arch) = getSymbolPathAndArchFor_manualDSYM($uuid);
if(defined($out_path) && length($out_path) && defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] MATCH (manual): $out_path ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
return ($out_path, $arch);
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] NO MATCH (manual)\n\n" if $opt_verbose;
# Look for a UUID match in the cache directory
my $uuidsPath = "/Volumes/Build/UUIDToSymbolMap";
if ( -d $uuidsPath ) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] CHECK (uuid cache)\n" if $opt_verbose;
my $out_path = getSymbolPathFor_uuid($uuid, $uuidsPath);
if(defined($out_path) && length($out_path)) {
my $arch = archForUUID($out_path, $uuid);
if (defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] MATCH (uuid cache): $out_path ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
return ($out_path, $arch);
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] NO MATCH (uuid cache)\n\n" if $opt_verbose;
# Ask spotlight
if( $opt_spotlight ) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] CHECK (spotlight)\n" if $opt_verbose;
my ($out_path, $arch) = getSymbolPathAndArchFor_dsymUuid($uuid);
if(defined($out_path) && length($out_path) && defined($arch) && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] MATCH (spotlight): $out_path ($arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
return ($out_path, $arch);
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] NO MATCH (spotlight)\n\n" if $opt_verbose;
print STDERR "-- [$uuid] NO MATCH\n\n" if $opt_verbose;
print STDERR "## Warning: Can't find any unstripped binary that matches version of $path\n" if $opt_verbose;
print STDERR "\n" if $opt_verbose;
return undef;
# crashlog parsing
# options:
# - regex: don't escape regex metas in name
# - continuous: don't reset pos when done.
# - multiline: expect content to be on many lines following name
# - nocolon: when multiline, the header line does not contain a colon
sub parse_section {
my ($log_ref, $name, %arg ) = @_;
my $content;
$name = quotemeta($name)
unless $arg{regex};
my $colon = ':';
if ($arg{nocolon}) {
$colon = ''
# content is thing from name to end of line...
if( $$log_ref =~ m{ ^($name)$colon [[:blank:]]* (.*?) $ }mgx ) {
$content = $2;
$name = $1;
$name =~ s/^\s+//;
# or thing after that line.
if($arg{multiline}) {
$content = $1 if( $$log_ref =~ m{
\G\n # from end of last thing...
(?:\n\s*\n|$) # until next blank line or the end
}sgx );
pos($$log_ref) = 0
unless $arg{continuous};
return ($name,$content) if wantarray;
return $content;
# convenience method over above
sub parse_sections {
my ($log_ref,$re,%arg) = @_;
my ($name,$content);
my %sections = ();
while(1) {
($name,$content) = parse_section($log_ref,$re, regex=>1,continuous=>1,%arg);
last unless defined $content;
$sections{$name} = $content;
pos($$log_ref) = 0;
return \%sections;
sub parse_threads {
my ($log_ref,%arg) = @_;
my $nocolon = 0;
my $stack_delimeter = 'Thread\s+\d+\s?(Highlighted|Crashed|Attributed)?'; # Crash reports
if ($arg{event_type}) {
# Spindump reports
if ($arg{event_type} eq "cpu usage" ||
$arg{event_type} eq "wakeups" ||
$arg{event_type} eq "disk writes" ||
$arg{event_type} eq "powerstats") {
# Microstackshots report
$stack_delimeter = 'Powerstats\sfor:.*';
$nocolon = 1;
} else {
# Regular spindump
$stack_delimeter = '\s+Thread\s+\S+(\s+DispatchQueue\s+\S+)?';
$nocolon = 1;
return parse_sections($log_ref,$stack_delimeter,multiline=>1,nocolon=>$nocolon)
sub parse_processes {
my ($log_ref, $is_spindump_report, $event_type) = @_;
if (! $is_spindump_report) {
# Crash Reports only have one process
return ($log_ref);
my $process_delimeter;
if ($event_type eq "cpu usage" ||
$event_type eq "wakeups" ||
$event_type eq "disk writes" ||
$event_type eq "powerstats") {
# Microstackshots report
$process_delimeter = '^Powerstats\s+for';
} else {
# Regular spindump
$process_delimeter = '^Process';
return \split(/(?=$process_delimeter)/m, $$log_ref);
sub parse_images {
my ($log_ref, $report_version, $is_spindump_report) = @_;
my $section = parse_section($log_ref,'Binary Images Description',multiline=>1);
if (!defined($section)) {
$section = parse_section($log_ref,'\\s*Binary\\s*Images',multiline=>1,regex=>1); # new format
if (!defined($section)) {
die "Error: Can't find \"Binary Images\" section in log file";
my @lines = split /\n/, $section;
scalar @lines or die "Can't find binary images list: $$log_ref" if !$is_spindump_report;
my %images = ();
my ($pat, $app, %captures);
#To get all the architectures for string matching.
my $architectures = "armv[4-8][tfsk]?|arm64|i386|x86_64\\S?";
# Once Perl 5.10 becomes the default in Mac OS X, named regexp
# capture buffers of the style (?<name>pattern) would make this
# code much more sane.
if(! $is_spindump_report) {
if($report_version == 102 || $report_version == 103) { # Leopard GM
$pat = '
^\s* (\w+) \s* \- \s* (\w+) \s* (?# the range base and extent [1,2] )
(\+)? (?# the application may have a + in front of the name [3] )
(.+) (?# bundle name [4] )
\s+ .+ \(.+\) \s* (?# the versions--generally "??? [???]" )
\<?([[:xdigit:]]{32})?\>? (?# possible UUID [5] )
\s* (\/.*)\s*$ (?# first fwdslash to end we hope is path [6] )
%captures = ( 'base' => \$1, 'extent' => \$2, 'plus' => \$3,
'bundlename' => \$4, 'uuid' => \$5, 'path' => \$6);
elsif($report_version == 104 || $report_version == 105) { # Kirkwood
# 0x182155000 - 0x1824c6fff CoreFoundation arm64 <f0d21c6db8d83cf3a0c4712fd6e69a8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation
$pat = '
^\s* (\w+) \s* \- \s* (\w+) \s* (?# the range base and extent [1,2] )
(\+)? (?# the application may have a + in front of the name [3] )
(.+) (?# bundle name [4] )
\s+ ('.$architectures.') \s+ (?# the image arch [5] )
\<?([[:xdigit:]]{32})?\>? (?# possible UUID [6] )
\s* (\/.*)\s*$ (?# first fwdslash to end we hope is path [7] )
%captures = ( 'base' => \$1, 'extent' => \$2, 'plus' => \$3,
'bundlename' => \$4, 'arch' => \$5, 'uuid' => \$6,
'path' => \$7);
else {
die "Unsupported crash log version: $report_version";
else { # Spindump reports
# 0x7fffa5f55000 - 0x7fffa63ddff7 6.9 (1333.19) <08238AC4-4618-39AC-878B-B1562CD6B235> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
$pat = '
^ (?# Beginning of the line )
\s* \*? (?# indent and kernel dot)
(\S+) \s* \- \s* (\S+) (?# the range base and extent [1,2] )
\s+ (.+?) (?# bundle name [3] )
(?: \s+ (\S+) )? (?# optional short version [4] )
(?: \s+ \( (\S+) \) )? (?# optional version [5] )
\s+ \< ( .* ) \> (?# UUID [6] )
(?: \s+ (\/.*) )? (?# optional path [7] )
\s*$ (?# End of the line )
%captures = ( 'base' => \$1, 'extent' => \$2, 'bundleid' => \$3,
'shortversion' => \$4, 'version' => \$5, 'uuid' => \$6,
'path' => \$7);
for my $line (@lines) {
next if $line =~ /PEF binary:/; # ignore these
$line =~ s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
if ($line =~ /$pat/ox) {
# Dereference references
my %image;
while((my $key, my $val) = each(%captures)) {
$image{$key} = ${$captures{$key}} || '';
#print STDERR "image{$key} = $image{$key}\n";
if (defined $image{bundleid} && $image{bundleid} eq "???") {
delete $image{bundleid};
if (! defined $image{bundlename}) {
# (Only occurs in spindump)
# Match what string frames will use as the binary's identifier
if (defined $image{path} && $image{path} ne '') {
$image{bundlename} = ($image{path} =~ /^.*?([^\/]+)$/)[0]; # basename of path
} elsif (defined $image{bundleid} && $image{bundleid} ne '') {
$image{bundlename} = $image{bundleid};
} else {
$image{bundlename} = "<$image{uuid}>";
if ($image{extent} eq "???") {
$image{extent} = '';
# Spindump uses canonical UUID, but the rest of the code here expects CrashLog style UUIDs
$image{uuid} = getCrashLogUUIDForCanonicalUUID($image{uuid});
# Just take the first instance. That tends to be the app.
my $bundlename = $image{bundlename};
$app = $bundlename if (!defined $app && defined $image{plus} && length $image{plus});
# frameworks and apps (and whatever) may share the same name, so disambiguate
if ( defined($images{$bundlename}) ) {
# follow the chain of hash items until the end
my $nextIDKey = $bundlename;
while ( length($nextIDKey) ) {
last if ( !length($images{$nextIDKey}{nextID}) );
$nextIDKey = $images{$nextIDKey}{nextID};
# add ourselves to that chain
$images{$nextIDKey}{nextID} = $image{base};
# and store under the key we just recorded
$bundlename = $bundlename . $image{base};
# we are the end of the nextID chain
$image{nextID} = "";
$images{$bundlename} = \%image;
return (\%images, $app);
# if this is actually a partial binary identifier we know about, then
# return the full name. else return undef.
my %_partial_cache = ();
sub resolve_partial_id {
my ($bundle,$images) = @_;
# is this partial? note: also stripping elipsis here
return undef unless $bundle =~ s/^\.\.\.//;
return $_partial_cache{$bundle} if exists $_partial_cache{$bundle};
my $re = qr/\Q$bundle\E$/;
for (keys %$images) {
if( /$re/ ) {
$_partial_cache{$bundle} = $_;
return $_;
return undef;
sub fixup_last_exception_backtrace {
my ($log_ref,$exception,$images) = @_;
my $repl = $exception;
if ($exception =~ m/^.0x/) {
my @lines = split / /, substr($exception, 1, length($exception)-2);
my $counter = 0;
$repl = "";
for my $line (@lines) {
my ($image,$image_base) = findImageByAddress($images, $line);
my $offset = hex($line) - hex($image_base);
my $formattedTrace = sprintf("%-3d %-30s\t0x%08x %s + %d", $counter, $image, hex($line), $image_base, $offset);
$repl .= $formattedTrace . "\n";
$log_ref = replace_chunk($log_ref, $exception, $repl);
# may need to do this a second time since there could be First throw call stack too
$log_ref = replace_chunk($log_ref, $exception, $repl);
return ($log_ref, $repl);
#sub parse_last_exception_backtrace {
# print STDERR "Parsing last exception backtrace\n" if $opt_verbose;
# my ($backtrace,$images, $inHex) = @_;
# my @lines = split /\n/,$backtrace;
# my %frames = ();
# # these two have to be parallel; we'll lookup by hex, and replace decimal if needed
# my @hexAddr;
# my @replAddr;
# for my $line (@lines) {
# # end once we're done with the frames
# last if $line =~ /\)/;
# last if !length($line);
# if ($inHex && $line =~ /0x([[:xdigit:]]+)/) {
# push @hexAddr, sprintf("0x%08s", $1);
# push @replAddr, "0x".$1;
# }
# elsif ($line =~ /(\d+)/) {
# push @hexAddr, sprintf("0x%08x", $1);
# push @replAddr, $1;
# }
# }
# # we don't have a hint as to the binary assignment of these frames
# # map_addresses will do it for us
# return map_addresses(\@hexAddr,$images,\@replAddr);
# returns an oddly-constructed hash:
# 'string-to-replace' => { bundle=>..., address=>... }
sub parse_backtrace {
my ($backtrace,$images,$decrement,$is_spindump_report) = @_;
my @lines = split /\n/,$backtrace;
my %frames = ();
if ( ! $is_spindump_report ) {
# Crash report
my $is_first = 1;
for my $line (@lines) {
if( $line =~ m{
^\d+ \s+ # stack frame number
(\S.*?) \s+ # bundle [1]
( # description to replace [2]
(0x\w+) \s+ # address [3]
0x\w+ \s+ # library address
(?: \+ \s+ (\d+))? # offset [4], optional
.* # remainder of description
) # end of capture
\s* # new line
$ # end of line
}x ) {
my($bundle,$replace,$address,$offset) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
#print STDERR "Parse_bt: $bundle,$replace,$address\n" if ($opt_verbose);
# disambiguate within our hash of binaries
$bundle = findImageByNameAndAddress($images, $bundle, $address);
# skip unless we know about the image of this frame
next unless
$$images{$bundle} or
$bundle = resolve_partial_id($bundle,$images);
my $raw_address = $address;
if($decrement && !$is_first) {
$address = sprintf("0x%X", (hex($address) & ~1) - 1);
$frames{$replace} = {
'address' => $address,
'raw_address' => $raw_address,
'bundle' => $bundle,
if (defined $offset) {
$frames{$replace}{offset} = $offset
$is_first = 0;
# else { print STDERR "unable to parse backtrace line $line\n" }
} else {
# Spindump report
my $previousFrame;
my $previousIndentLength;
for my $line (@lines) {
# *138 unix_syscall64 + 675 (systemcalls.c:376,10 in kernel.development + 6211555) [0xffffff80007ec7e3] 1-138
if( $line =~ m{
^ # Start of line
( \s* \*? ) # indent and kernel dot [1]
( \d+ ) \s+ # count [2]
( # Start of string to replace (symbol, binary, address) [3]
( .+? ) # symbol [4]
(?: \s* \+ \s* (\d+) )? # offset from symbol [5], optional
(?: \s+ \( # Start of binary info, entire section optional
(?: ( .*? ) \s+ in \s+ )? # source info [6], optional
(.+?) # Binary name (or UUID, if no name) [7]
(?: \s* \+ \s* (\d+) )? # Offset in binary [8], optional
\) )? # End of binary info, entire section optional
\s* \[ (.+) \] # address [9]
) # End of string to replace
(?: \s+ \(.*\) )? # state [10], optional
(?: \s+ # Start of timeline info, entire section optional
(\d+) # Start time index [11]
(?: \s* \- \s* (\d+))? # End time index [12], optional
)? # End of timeline info, entire section optional
$ # End of line
}x ) {
my($indent,$count,$replace,$symbol,$offsetInSymbol,$sourceInfo,$binaryName,$offsetInBinary,$address,$state,$timeIndexStart,$timeIndexEnd) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11);
# print STDERR "Parse_bt $line:\n$indent,$count,$symbol,$offsetInSymbol,$sourceInfo,$binaryName,$offsetInBinary,$address,$timeIndexStart,$timeIndexEnd\n" if ($opt_verbose);
next if defined $sourceInfo; # Don't bother trying to sybolicate frames that already have source info
next unless defined $binaryName;
# disambiguate within our hash of binaries
my $binaryKey = findImageByNameAndAddress($images, $binaryName, $address);
# skip unless we know about the image of this frame
next unless
$frames{$replace} = {
'address' => $address, # To be fixed up for non-leaf frames in the next loop
'raw_address' => $address,
'bundle' => $binaryKey,
# Fixed up symbolication address the non-leaf previous frame
if (defined $previousFrame && defined $previousIndentLength &&
length $indent > $previousIndentLength) {
$$previousFrame{'address'} = sprintf("0x%X", (hex($$previousFrame{'address'}) & ~1) - 1);
# print STDERR "Updated symbolication address: $$previousFrame{'raw_address'} -> $$previousFrame{'address'}\n";
$previousIndentLength = length $indent;
$previousFrame = $frames{$replace};
# else { print STDERR "unable to parse backtrace line $line\n" }
return \%frames;
sub slurp_file {
my ($file) = @_;
my $data;
my $fh;
my $readingFromStdin = 0;
local $/ = undef;
# - or "" mean read from stdin, otherwise use the given filename
if($file && $file ne '-') {
open $fh,"<",$file or die "while reading $file, $! : ";
} else {
open $fh,"<&STDIN" or die "while readin STDIN, $! : ";
$readingFromStdin = 1;
$data = <$fh>;
# Replace DOS-style line endings
$data =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
# Replace Mac-style line endings
$data =~ s/\r/\n/g;
# Replace "NO-BREAK SPACE" (these often get inserted when copying from Safari)
# \xC2\xA0 == U+00A0
$data =~ s/\xc2\xa0/ /g;
close $fh or die $!;
return \$data;
sub parse_OSVersion {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $section = parse_section($log_ref,'OS Version');
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)\s+\(Build (\w+)/ ) {
return ($1, $2)
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)\s+\((\w+)/ ) {
return ($1, $2)
if ( $section =~ /\s([0-9\.]+)/ ) {
return ($1, "")
die "Error: can't parse OS Version string $section";
sub parse_HardwareModel {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $model = parse_section($log_ref, 'Hardware Model');
if (!defined($model)) {
$model = parse_section($log_ref, 'Hardware model'); # spindump format
$model or return undef;
# HACK: replace the comma in model names because bsd_glob can't handle commas (even escaped ones) in
# the {} groups
$model =~ s/,/\?/g;
$model =~ /(\S+)/;
return $1;
sub parse_SDKGuess {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
# It turns out that most SDKs are named "lowercased(HardwareModelWithoutNumbers) + os",
# so attempt to form a valid SDK name from that. Any code that uses this must NOT rely
# on this guess being accurate and should fallback to whatever logic makes sense for the situation
my $model = parse_HardwareModel($log_ref);
$model or return undef;
$model =~ /(\D+)\d/;
$1 or return undef;
my $sdk = lc($1) . "os";
if($sdk eq "ipodos" || $sdk eq "ipados") {
$sdk = "iphoneos";
if ( $sdk =~ /mac/) {
$sdk = "macosx";
return $sdk;
sub parse_event_type {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $event = parse_section($log_ref,'Event');
return $event;
sub parse_steps {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $steps = parse_section($log_ref,'Steps');
$steps or return undef;
$steps =~ /(\d+)/;
return $1;
sub parse_report_version {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
my $version = parse_section($log_ref,'Report Version');
$version or return undef;
$version =~ /(\d+)/;
return $1;
sub findImageByAddress {
my ($images,$address) = @_;
my $image;
for $image (values %$images) {
if ( hex($address) >= hex($$image{base}) && hex($address) <= hex($$image{extent}) )
return ($$image{bundlename},$$image{base});
print STDERR "Unable to map $address\n" if $opt_verbose;
return undef;
sub findImageByNameAndAddress {
my ($images,$bundle,$address) = @_;
my $key = $bundle;
#print STDERR "findImageByNameAndAddress($bundle,$address) ... ";
my $binary = $$images{$bundle};
while($$binary{nextID} && length($$binary{nextID}) ) {
last if ( hex($address) >= hex($$binary{base}) && hex($address) <= hex($$binary{extent}) );
$key = $key . $$binary{nextID};
$binary = $$images{$key};
#print STDERR "$key\n";
return $key;
sub prune_used_images {
my ($images,$bt) = @_;
# make a list of images actually used in backtrace
my $images_used = {};
for(values %$bt) {
#print STDERR "Pruning: $images, $$_{bundle}, $$_{address}\n" if ($opt_verbose);
my $imagename = findImageByNameAndAddress($images, $$_{bundle}, $$_{address});
$$images_used{$imagename} = $$images{$imagename};
# overwrite the incoming image list with that;
%$images = %$images_used;
# fetch symbolled binaries
# array of binary image ranges and names
# the OS build
# the name of the crashed program
# undef
# array of possible directories to locate symboled files in
sub fetch_symbolled_binaries {
our %uuid_cache; # Global cache of UUIDs we've already searched for
print STDERR "Finding Symbols:\n" if $opt_verbose;
my ($images,$build,$bundle,@extra_search_paths) = @_;
# fetch paths to symbolled binaries. or ignore that lib if we can't
# find it
for my $b (keys %$images) {
my $lib = $$images{$b};
my $symbol;
my $arch;
if (defined $uuid_cache{$$lib{uuid}}) {
($symbol, $arch) = @{$uuid_cache{$$lib{uuid}}};
if ( $symbol ) {
$$lib{symbol} = $symbol;
if ( ! (defined $$lib{arch} && length $$lib{arch}) ) {
if (defined $arch && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "Already found $b: @{$uuid_cache{$$lib{uuid}}}\n" if $opt_verbose;
$$lib{arch} = $arch;
} else {
print STDERR "Already checked and failed to find $b (found $symbol, nob can't determine arch)\n" if $opt_verbose;
delete $$images{$b};
} else {
print STDERR "Already found $b: @{$uuid_cache{$$lib{uuid}}}\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
print STDERR "Already checked and failed to find $b\n" if $opt_verbose;
delete $$images{$b};
} else {
print STDERR "-- [$$lib{uuid}] fetching symbol file for $b\n" if $opt_verbose;
$symbol = $$lib{symbol};
if ($symbol) {
print STDERR "-- [$$lib{uuid}] found in cache\n" if $opt_verbose;
} else {
($symbol, $arch) = getSymbolPathAndArchFor($$lib{path},$$lib{arch},$build,$$lib{uuid},@extra_search_paths);
@{$uuid_cache{$$lib{uuid}}} = ($symbol, $arch);
if ( $symbol ) {
$$lib{symbol} = $symbol;
if ( ! (defined $$lib{arch} && length $$lib{arch}) ) {
if (defined $arch && length($arch)) {
print STDERR "Set $$lib{uuid} to $arch\n" if $opt_verbose;
$$lib{arch} = $arch;
} else {
delete $$images{$b};
} else {
delete $$images{$b};
# check for sliding. set slide offset if so
open my($ph),"-|", "'$size' -m -l -x '$symbol'" or die $!;
my $real_base = (
grep { $_ }
map { (/_TEXT.*vmaddr\s+(\w+)/)[0] } <$ph>
close $ph;
if ($?) {
# <rdar://problem/21493669> 13T5280f: My crash logs aren't symbolicating
# System libraries were not being symbolicated because /usr/bin/size is always failing.
# That's <rdar://problem/21604022> /usr/bin/size doesn't like LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO command 12
# Until that's fixed, just hope for the best and assume no sliding. I've been informed that since
# this scripts always deals with post-mortem crash files instead of running processes, sliding shouldn't
# happen in practice. Nevertheless, we should probably add this sanity check back in once we 21604022
# gets resolved.
$real_base = $$lib{base}
# call to size failed. Don't use this image in symbolication; don't die
# delete $$images{$b};
#print STDERR "Error in symbol file for $symbol\n"; # and log it
# next;
if($$lib{base} ne $real_base) {
$$lib{slide} = hex($real_base) - hex($$lib{base});
print STDERR keys(%$images) . " binary images were found.\n" if $opt_verbose;
# run atos
sub symbolize_frames {
my ($images,$bt,$is_spindump_report) = @_;
# create mapping of framework => address => bt frame (adjust for slid)
# and for framework => arch
my %frames_to_lookup = ();
my %arch_map = ();
my %base_map = ();
my %image_map = ();
for my $k (keys %$bt) {
my $frame = $$bt{$k};
my $lib = $$images{$$frame{bundle}};
unless($lib) {
# don't know about it, can't symbol
# should have already been warned about this!
# print STDERR "Skipping unknown $$frame{bundle}\n";
delete $$bt{$k};
# list of address to lookup, mapped to the frame object, for
# each library
$frames_to_lookup{$$lib{symbol}}{$$frame{address}} = $frame;
$arch_map{$$lib{symbol}} = $$lib{arch};
$base_map{$$lib{symbol}} = $$lib{base};
$image_map{$$lib{symbol}} = $lib;
# run atos for each library
while(my($symbol,$frames) = each(%frames_to_lookup)) {
# escape the symbol path if it contains single quotes
my $escapedSymbol = $symbol;
$escapedSymbol =~ s/\'/\'\\'\'/g;
# run atos with the addresses and binary files we just gathered
my $arch = $arch_map{$symbol};
my $base = $base_map{$symbol};
my $lib = $image_map{$symbol};
my $cmd = "'$atos' -arch $arch -l $base -o '$escapedSymbol' @{[ keys %$frames ]} | ";
print STDERR "Running $cmd\n" if $opt_verbose;
open my($ph),$cmd or die $!;
my @symbolled_frames = map { chomp; $_ } <$ph>;
# close $ph or die $!; # 托马没找到就没找到,crash 干啥啊
my $references = 0;
foreach my $symbolled_frame (@symbolled_frames) {
my ($library, $source) = ($symbolled_frame =~ /\s*\(in (.*?)\)(?:\s*\((.*?)\))?/);
$symbolled_frame =~ s/\s*\(in .*?\)//; # clean up -- don't need to repeat the lib here
if ($is_spindump_report) {
# Source is formatted differently for spindump
$symbolled_frame =~ s/\s*\(.*?\)//; # remove source info from symbol string
# Spindump may not have had library names, pick them up here
if (defined $library && !(defined $$lib{path} && length($$lib{path})) && !(defined $$lib{new_path} && length($$lib{new_path})) ) {
$$lib{new_path} = $library;
print STDERR "Found new name for $$lib{uuid}: $$lib{new_path}\n" if ( $opt_verbose );
# find the correct frame -- the order should match since we got the address list with keys
my ($k,$frame) = each(%$frames);
if ( $symbolled_frame !~ /^\d/ ) {
# only symbolicate if we fetched something other than an address
my $offset = $$frame{offset};
if (defined $offset) {
# add offset from unsymbolicated frame after symbolicated name
$symbolled_frame =~ s|(.+)\(|$1."+ ".$offset." ("|e;
if ($is_spindump_report) {
# Spindump formatting
if (defined $library) {
$symbolled_frame .= " (";
if (defined $source) {
$symbolled_frame .= "$source in ";
$symbolled_frame .= "$library + " . (hex($$frame{raw_address}) - hex($base)) . ")";
$symbolled_frame .= " [$$frame{raw_address}]";
$$frame{symbolled} = $symbolled_frame;
if ( $references == 0 ) {
if ( ! $is_spindump_report) { # Bad addresses aren't uncommon in microstackshots and stackshots
print STDERR "## Warning: Unable to symbolicate from required binary: $symbol\n";
# just run through and remove elements for which we didn't find a
# new mapping:
while(my($k,$v) = each(%$bt)) {
delete $$bt{$k} unless defined $$v{symbolled};
# run the final regex to symbolize the log
sub replace_symbolized_frames {
my ($log_ref,$bt,$images,$is_spindump_report) = @_;
my $re = join "|" , map { quotemeta } keys %$bt;
# spindump's symbolled string already includes the raw address
my $log = $$log_ref;
$log =~ s#$re#
my $frame = $$bt{$&};
(! $is_spindump_report ? $$frame{raw_address} . " " : "") . $$frame{symbolled};
$log =~ s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
if ($is_spindump_report) {
# Spindump may not have image names, so add any names we found
my @images_to_replace_keys = grep { defined $$images{$_}{new_path} } keys %$images;
if (scalar(@images_to_replace_keys)) {
print STDERR "" . scalar(@images_to_replace_keys) . " images with new names:\n" if ( $opt_verbose );
if ( $opt_verbose ) { print STDERR "$_\n" for @images_to_replace_keys; }
# First, replace in frames that we couldn't symbolicate
# 2 ??? (<C1C37AEF-7DA2-38E5-88BA-664E2625478F> + 196600) [0x1051e3ff8]
# becomes
# 2 ??? (BackBoard + 196600) [0x1051e3ff8]
my $image_re = join "|" , map { quotemeta } @images_to_replace_keys;
$image_re = "\\(($image_re)"; # Open paren precedes UUID in frames
$log =~ s#$image_re#
"(" . $$images{$1}{new_path}
$log =~ s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
# Second, replace in image infos
# 0x1051b4000 - ??? ??? <C1C37AEF-7DA2-38E5-88BA-664E2625478F>
# becomes
# 0x1051b4000 - ??? ??? <C1C37AEF-7DA2-38E5-88BA-664E2625478F> BackBoard
$image_re = join "|" , map { quotemeta } @images_to_replace_keys;
$image_re = "\\s($image_re)"; # Whitespace precedes image infos
$log =~ s#$image_re#
"$& " . $$images{$1}{new_path}
$log =~ s/(&(\w+);?)/$entity2char{$2} || $1/eg;
return \$log;
sub replace_chunk {
my ($log_ref,$old,$new) = @_;
my $log = $$log_ref;
my $re = quotemeta $old;
$log =~ s/$re/$new/;
return \$log;
sub output_log($) {
my ($log_ref) = @_;
if($opt_output && $opt_output ne "-") {
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, '>', $opt_output;
print $$log_ref;
sub symbolicate_log {
my ($file,@extra_search_paths) = @_;
print STDERR "Symbolicating $file ...\n" if ( $opt_verbose && defined $file);
print STDERR "Symbolicating stdin ...\n" if ( $opt_verbose && ! defined $file);
my $log_ref = slurp_file($file);
print STDERR length($$log_ref)." characters read.\n" if ( $opt_verbose );
# get the version number
my $report_version = parse_report_version($log_ref);
$report_version or die "No crash report version in $file";
# setup the tool paths we will need
my $sdkGuess = parse_SDKGuess($log_ref);
print STDERR "SDK guess for tool search is '$sdkGuess'\n" if $opt_verbose;
$otool = getToolPath("otool", $sdkGuess);
$atos = getToolPath("atos", $sdkGuess);
$symbolstool = getToolPath("symbols", $sdkGuess);
$size = getToolPath("size", $sdkGuess);
# spindump-based reports will have an "Steps:" line.
# ReportCrash-based reports will not
my $steps = parse_steps($log_ref);
my $is_spindump_report = defined $steps;
my $event_type;
if ($is_spindump_report) {
# Spindump's format changes depending on the event (microstackshots vs regular spindump)
$event_type = parse_event_type($log_ref);
$event_type = $event_type || "manual";
# Cut off spindump's binary format
$$log_ref =~ s/Spindump binary format.*$//s;
# extract hardware model
my $model = parse_HardwareModel($log_ref);
print STDERR "Hardware Model $model\n" if $opt_verbose;
# extract build
my ($version, $build) = parse_OSVersion($log_ref);
print STDERR "OS Version $version Build $build\n" if $opt_verbose;
my @process_sections = parse_processes($log_ref, $is_spindump_report, $event_type);
my $header;
my $multiple_processes = 0;
if (scalar(@process_sections) > 1) {
# If we found multiple process sections, the first section is just the report's header
$header = shift @process_sections;
print STDERR "Found " . scalar(@process_sections) . " process sections\n" if $opt_verbose;
$multiple_processes = 1;
my $symbolicated_something = 0;
for my $process_section (@process_sections) {
if ($multiple_processes) {
print STDERR "Processing " . ($$process_section =~ /^.*:\s+(.*)/)[0] . "\n";
# read the binary images
my ($images,$first_bundle) = parse_images($process_section, $report_version, $is_spindump_report);
if ( $opt_verbose ) {
print STDERR keys(%$images) . " binary images referenced:\n";
foreach (keys(%$images)) {
print STDERR $_;
print STDERR "\t\t(";
print STDERR $$images{$_}{path};
print STDERR ")\n";
print STDERR "\n";
my $bt = {};
my $threads = parse_threads($process_section,event_type=>$event_type);
print STDERR "Num stacks found: " . scalar(keys %$threads) . "\n" if $opt_verbose;
for my $thread (values %$threads) {
# merge all of the frames from all backtraces into one
# collection
my $b = parse_backtrace($thread,$images,0,$is_spindump_report);
@$bt{keys %$b} = values %$b;
my $exception = parse_section($process_section,'Last Exception Backtrace', multiline=>1);
if (defined $exception) {
($process_section, $exception) = fixup_last_exception_backtrace($process_section, $exception, $images);
#my $e = parse_last_exception_backtrace($exception, $images, 1);
my $e = parse_backtrace($exception, $images,1,$is_spindump_report);
# treat these frames in the same was as any thread
@$bt{keys %$e} = values %$e;
# sort out just the images needed for this backtrace
if ( $opt_verbose ) {
print STDERR keys(%$images) . " binary images remain after pruning:\n";
foreach my $junk (keys(%$images)) {
print STDERR $junk;
print STDERR ", ";
print STDERR "\n";
@extra_search_paths = (@extra_search_paths, getSymbolDirPaths($model, $version, $build));
# If we didn't get *any* symbolled binaries, just print out the original crash log.
my $imageCount = keys(%$images);
if ($imageCount == 0) {
# run atos
if(keys %$bt) {
# run our fancy regex
$process_section = replace_symbolized_frames($process_section,$bt,$images,$is_spindump_report);
$symbolicated_something = 1;
} else {
# There were no symbols found, don't change the section
if ($symbolicated_something) {
if (defined $header) {
output_log($_) for @process_sections;
} else {
#There were no symbols found
print STDERR "No symbolic information found\n";
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