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Created October 22, 2014 19:51
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Save bvenners/c5efdfe168305e26f208 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using EquaSets passed to methods
// This gist shows how the compiler will deal with EquaSets as method parameters.
// In short, the compiler will let you do anything that is known to be OK. In
// particular, it won't let you union, intersect, or diff two EquaSets unless
// the full path dependent type is known and matches.
scala> import org.scalactic._
scala> val trimmed = EquaSets[String](StringNormalizations.trimmed.toHashingEquality)
trimmed: org.scalactic.EquaSets[String] = org.scalactic.EquaSets@2c011b16
scala> val lowered = SortedEquaSets[String](StringNormalizations.lowerCased.toOrderingEquality)
lowered: org.scalactic.SortedEquaSets[String] = org.scalactic.SortedEquaSets@3b2d73bb
// If I take explicit paths, it won't let me union in the body, which is what we'd want
scala> def takesSets(tset: trimmed.EquaSet, wset: lowered.EquaSet) = tset union wset
<console>:12: error: type mismatch;
found : lowered.EquaSet
required: trimmed.EquaSet
def takesSets(tset: trimmed.EquaSet, wset: lowered.EquaSet) = tset union wset
// But it will let me do something like call size, which is also what we want
scala> def takesSets(tset: trimmed.EquaSet, wset: lowered.EquaSet) = tset.size + wset.size
takesSets: (tset: trimmed.EquaSet, wset: lowered.EquaSet)Int
scala> takesSets(trimmed.EquaSet("hi"), lowered.SortedEquaSet("ho"))
res0: Int = 2
// It won't let me pass the wrong path in, which is what we'd want
scala> takesSets(trimmed.EquaSet("hi"), trimmed.EquaSet("ho"))
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
found : trimmed.EquaSet
required: lowered.EquaSet
takesSets(trimmed.EquaSet("hi"), trimmed.EquaSet("ho"))
// It will let me any kind of EquaSet, and let me do things like call size on it, which
// is again what we'd ant
scala> def takesSets(tset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet, wset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet) = tset.size + wset.size
takesSets: (tset: org.scalactic.EquaSets[String]#EquaSet, wset: org.scalactic.EquaSets[String]#EquaSet)Int
// But it won't let me union, which is also what we want, because union requires more information than
// we have in these types. The error message is a bit non-obvious though.
scala> def takesSets(tset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet, wset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet) = tset union wset
<console>:10: error: type mismatch;
found : org.scalactic.EquaSets[String]#EquaSet
required: _10.EquaSet where val _10: org.scalactic.EquaSets[String]
def takesSets(tset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet, wset: EquaSets[String]#EquaSet) = tset union wset
// This is the build.sbt I used to generate the above REPL session. Just
// place this in a directory and say:
// $ sbt
// ...
// > console
scalaVersion := "2.11.2"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" % "scalactic_2.11" % "3.0.0-SNAP1"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "3.0.0-SNAP1" % "test"
initialCommands in console := "import org.scalactic._"
initialCommands in Test in console := """|import org.scalatest._
|import org.scalactic._
|import Matchers._""".stripMargin
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at ""
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