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Created January 4, 2015 03:16
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// Here's a typeclass trait for types that can be sliced
trait Slicing[T] {
def slice(o: T, from: Int, until: Int): T
// The companion object provides impicits for String and Vector
object Slicing {
implicit val slicingNatureOfString: Slicing[String] =
new Slicing[String] {
def slice(s: String, from: Int, until: Int): String = s.substring(from, until)
implicit def slicingNatureOfVector[E]: Slicing[Vector[E]] =
new Slicing[Vector[E]] {
def slice(v: Vector[E], from: Int, until: Int): Vector[E] = v.slice(from, until)
// Example has a genericSlice method that will work with any type T
// for which an implicit Slicing[T] exists.
object Example {
def genericSlice[T: Slicing](o: T, from: Int, until: Int): T = {
val slicing = implicitly[Slicing[T]]
slicing.slice(o, from, until)
// You can, therefore, slice a String with genericSlice
scala> Example.genericSlice("one two three", 4, 7)
res1: String = two
// And a Vector
scala> Example.genericSlice("one two three".toVector, 4, 7)
res2: Vector[Char] = Vector(t, w, o)
// But not a List
scala> Example.genericSlice("one two three".toList, 4, 7)
<console>:12: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type Slicing[List[Char]]
Example.genericSlice("one two three".toList, 4, 7)
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