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Created February 12, 2022 06:30
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#define M5STACK_MPU6886
#include <M5Stack.h>
TFT_eSprite g_lcd_buffer(&M5.Lcd);
void setup() {
g_lcd_buffer.setColorDepth(8); // reduce memory
auto buffer_ptr = g_lcd_buffer.createSprite(M5.Lcd.width(), M5.Lcd.height());
if (buffer_ptr == nullptr)
Serial.println("malloc failed!!");
void vec2q2euler(float vx, float vy, float vz, float& roll, float& pitch, float& yaw) {
const float dx = 0.f;
const float dy = 0.f;
const float dz = 1.f;
float x = vy*dz - vz*dy;
float y = vz*dx - vx*dz;
float z = vx*dy - vy*dx;
float w = vx*dx + vy*dy + vz*dz +1.f;
float n = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w);
x /= n;
y /= n;
z /= n;
w /= n;
roll = atan2(2.f*(x*w + y*z), 1.f - 2.f*(w*w - z*z));
pitch = asin(2.f*(-x*z + w*y));
yaw = atan2(2.f*(x*y + z*w), 1.f - 2.f*(y*y - z*z));
float gx, gy, gz;
float ax, ay, az;
void loop() {
M5.IMU.getGyroData(&gx, &gy, &gz);
M5.IMU.getAccelData(&ax, &ay, &az);
int kW = g_lcd_buffer.width();
int kH = g_lcd_buffer.height();
g_lcd_buffer.fillRect(0, 0, kW, kH, TFT_BLACK);
float norm = (sqrt(ax*ax+ay*ay+az*az));
if (abs(norm) < 1e-6) return;
float vx = ax/norm;
float vy = ay/norm;
float vz = az/norm;
float roll, pitch, yaw;
float lx = 0, ly = 0;
for (float th = 0; th < 2*PI; th += 0.01) {
float s = sin(th);
float c1 = cos(th);
float c2 = cos(th*2);
float c3 = cos(th*3);
float x = (s*s*s)*100;
float y = (c1-c2/3-c3/6)*100;
y *= cos(roll);
x *= cos(pitch);
if (th != 0)
g_lcd_buffer.drawLine(150 + lx, 110 + ly, 150 + x, 110 + y, TFT_RED);
lx = x;
ly = y;
g_lcd_buffer.setCursor(0, 0);
g_lcd_buffer.print(' ');
g_lcd_buffer.print(' ');
g_lcd_buffer.print(' ');
g_lcd_buffer.print(' ');
g_lcd_buffer.print(' ');
g_lcd_buffer.pushSprite(0, 0);
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