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Created August 10, 2019 05:55
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console.log([...Array(9999)].map((v,i) => `${ i }`.split("").map((x) => x-0)).filter((a) => a.reduce((p,v) => p+v, 0) === 10 && !a.includes(0) && a.every((v, i) => i === a.findIndex((b) => v === b))).map((v) => v.join("")).map((s) => [`${ require("fs").readFileSync("../ShellGeiData/vol.43/nums")}`.split("\n").findIndex((c) => c.includes(s))+1, s]).filter(([v]) => v > 0).map(([l,s]) => `L${l} : ${s}`).sort())
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