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Created April 27, 2019 06:05
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jus共催 第41回{ウン,ガク,}{チ,ト,}{,ン}{,コイン}{ブ,}{ラブラ,ハ,}{,イブ}{無,有}罪シェル芸勉強会 Q5
console.log(`${ require("fs").readFileSync("../ShellGeiData/vol.41/size") }`.trim().split("\n").map((a) => Object.assign({ a, b: (!![]*a.match(RegExp(`[${ ![]*![] }-${ (!![]+!![]+!![])**(!![]+!![]) }|\.]*`))[![]*![]])*((`${ !![]*!![] }${ ![]+![] }`*!![])**{ k:!![]+!![]+!![],M:(!![]+!![]+!![])*(!![]+!![]),G:(!![]+!![]+!![])**(!![]+!![])}[a.substr(-(!![]+!![]),!![])])})).sort((a,b) => a.b - b.b).reduce((b,{a}) => `${ b }\n${ a }`,""))
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