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Last active August 11, 2023 00:09
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reproduce that completed_at is not writable through Asana task API
Issue: Inability to Write to the 'completed_at' Field in Asana
Migrating to a new project management system like Asana is a significant undertaking, which we undertake with the goal of
improving our workflows and increasing productivity. One of the pivotal aspects of such a migration is ensuring the
continuity and integrity of our historical data.
Our current project management system tracks the lifecycle of tasks diligently, and this data is crucial.
It doesn't just represent a record of what has been done, but it's an analytical tool. We utilize this historical
data to generate dashboards which provide insights into project timelines, employee productivity,
task turnaround times, and more.
The 'completed_at' field is instrumental in these analyses. By knowing precisely when a task was marked complete,
we can determine how long it took, juxtapose it with other tasks, or even analyze the productivity trends over time.
However, with the present limitation in Asana where the 'completed_at' field is not writable, we hit a roadblock.
This means that, post-migration, our dashboards will lose the granularity and accuracy they currently possess.
In essence, we won't be able to represent the true lifecycle of a task before and after the migration,
leading to distorted views and incorrect insights.
Given this constraint, we're compelled to question the viability of the migration itself. If the migration disrupts our
analytical capabilities and impedes our insights into our projects, is the migration worth the associated costs and efforts?
It's crucial for Asana to understand that this isn't just about transferring data, but about ensuring that the
new environment can provide the same (if not better) value than the old.
For us to consider this migration seriously, it's imperative that we can carry our historical data with complete fidelity,
including being able to write to fields like 'completed_at'.
How to run
export ASANA_TOKEN=foobar
chmod +x $SCRIPT_NAME
"errors": [
"message": "completed_at: Cannot write this property",
"help": "For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors:"
set -eoux pipefail
function generate_random_string() {
tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 8 | head -n 1
# Common task data with random title
TASK_DATA=$(cat << EOF
"data": {
"name": "$(generate_random_string)",
"resource_subtype": "default_task",
"completed": false,
"html_notes": "<body>Mittens <em>really</em> likes the stuff from Humboldt.</body>",
"notes": "Mittens really likes the stuff from Humboldt."
function http() {
local endpoint=$1
local data=$2
local method=${3:-POST}
curl -s -X "$method" \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H "authorization: Bearer ${ASANA_TOKEN}" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d "$data" \
function update_task() {
local task_id=$1
data=$(echo "$TASK_DATA" | jq --arg tid "$task_id" '
.data.completed_at = "2023-08-10T02:06:58.147Z" |
.data.completed = true
response=$(http "tasks/$task_id" "$data" "PUT")
echo "$response" 1>&2 # print response error
echo "$response"
function create_task() {
local workspace_id=$1 project_id=$2 data
data=$(echo "$TASK_DATA" | jq --arg wid "$workspace_id" --arg pid "$project_id" '
.data.workspace = $wid |
.data.projects = [$pid]
response=$(http "tasks" "$data")
echo "$response" 1>&2 # print response error
echo "$response"
task_id=$(create_task "$ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID" "$ASANA_PROJECT_ID" | jq -r '.data.gid')
update_task "$task_id" | jq
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