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Last active January 17, 2022 22:47
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  • Save bureado/0e4b53e90ac1263b7c5ed908dbe2cb50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Also see:
case "$1" in
# Install dependencies
sudo apt update && sudo apt install jq auditd -y
# Start auditd
sudo systemctl start auditd.service
# Setup auditd rules
sudo auditctl -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S execve,execveat
sudo auditctl -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S execve,execveat
journalctl -t audit -o json-pretty _AUDIT_TYPE_NAME=EXECVE | jq -r .MESSAGE
// some ideas for inspiration of what to do with the output of the previous command
my @interests = qw/apt aptitude apt-get docker wget curl git/;
while (<>) {
next unless m#^EXECVE#;
(my @args) = m#a\d+="([^"]+)"#g;
next unless grep { /$args[0]$/ } @interests;
if ($args[0] =~ /git/ and grep { /clone/ } @args) {
// here you can store the remote ref
// you can also do things like:
my $jqf = '.metrics[]|select(.key=="openssf.scorecard.raw.vulnerabilities", .key=="openssf.criticality.raw.criticality_score", .key=="openssf.scorecard.raw.maintained")';
system ("curl --silent -f$org/$repo | jq -r " . shell_quote($jqf));
if ($args[0] =~ /curl/ or $args[0] =~ /wget/) {
// here you can store the uri, hash the file as it's in disk
if ($args[0] =~ /apt/ and grep { /install/ } @args) {
// here you might want to look at sources.list, apt-key list
// also parse apt logs, tokenize package name and version, assemble a purl
// you can run an nvd query, link to Debian systems such as tracker, udd, etc.
// or
if ($args[0] =~ /docker/ and grep { /build/ } @args) {
// here you might want to look for `-f` and `-t` in `cmdline`, run a linter, extract base images
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