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Last active August 14, 2024 06:54
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flutter cheatsheet



git clone -b stable

add the flutter/bin to your PATH variable

run flutter doctor

flutter doctor

install android studio from make sure ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is set to the path of your SDK

setup android studio emulator to have at least one device to test with

see more at


install package

flutter pub add <package-name>


flutter clean

get dependencies

flutter pub get


  • Similar to ReactJS
  • Widget = Component
  • Uses Dart programming language (similar to ES6)
  • Sample project
  • pubspec.yaml is like packages.json
  • is like
  • BLoC - Business Logic Component, predictable state management library for Dart

Dart Basics

each app has main function

void main() {
  print('Hello, World!');


// Importing core libraries
import 'dart:math';
// Importing libraries from external packages
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Importing files
import 'path/to/my_other_file.dart';

StatelessWidget - dont have properties that change over time StatefulWidget - changes based on user interaction and other factors, store mutable state in a seperate class called State StatefulWidgets don’t have a build method; instead, their user interface is built through their State object

get a state class from any parent

StudentState extends InheritedWidget

final studentState = StudentState.of(context);


  • SafeArea - widget that avoids operating system interfaces

Basic Layout with navigation menu on top

main > runApp > MaterialApp.home > SafeArea.child > > Material.child > Column.children > MyAppBar and Expanded

Display on-screen keyboard in iOS simulator

⇧ + ⌘ + K

Open DevTools in browser for vscode

Ctrl + Alt + d

click "Open Devtools in Web Browser"

State Management

Riverpod - state management for flutter.

  • Provider - simple immutable objects
  • StateProvider - simple mutable objects
  • FutureProvider - values that are resolved asynchronously
  • StreamProvider - values that come from a continuous stream


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