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Created June 28, 2019 11:16
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tryConnecting(id) {
// try to connect to a given room id. the first character is a code for
// which server the opponent is connected to. in case of 2 servers, the
// first half of the available characters is reserved for the first server,
// the second half is reserved for the second server. this way we can still
// have as many random combinations with 4 letters.
this.isHost = false;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let serverIndex = -1;
this.availablePrefixes.forEach((prefixes, index) => {
if (prefixes.indexOf(id[0]) !== -1) {
serverIndex = index;
if (serverIndex === -1) {
// impossible room code, there is no prefix like that
reject('no room found');
this.connectToServer(this.availableServers[serverIndex]).then(() => {
this.GAME_ID = id;
this.isHost = false;
this.statusRecord.subscribe('room-is-open', value => {
if (value) {
this.statusRecord.set('player-2', {action: ACTION.CONNECT});
this.isOpponentConnected = true;
setTimeout(this.sendPings.bind(this), 1000);
} else {
reject('room already full');
setTimeout(() => {
reject('no room found');
}, 2000);
}).catch(e => {
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