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Last active June 20, 2021 04:34
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Gradle Versions Plugin
// Gradle Versions Plugin
apply(plugin = dep.plugin.versions)
tasks.withType<DependencyUpdatesTask>().configureEach {
rejectVersionIf {
currentVersion.isStable && candidate.version.isNotStable
gradleReleaseChannel = "current"
revision = "release"
outputFormatter = closureOf<Result> {
val output = PrintStream(rootProject.file("").outputStream())
val groups = listOf(exceeded, current, outdated, unresolved).fold(emptySet<Dependency>()) { all, cur -> all + cur.dependencies }
with(output) {
println("# Dependencies")
println("| Status | Name | Group | Version | URL |")
println("| :----: | ---- | ----- | ------- | --- |")
for (dependency in groups.sortedBy{ }) {
with(dependency) {
val status = when (dependency) {
is DependencyOutdated -> ":warning:"
is DependencyUnresolved -> ":question:"
else -> ":heavy_check_mark:"
println("| $status | $name | $group | $version | ${projectUrl ?: "-"} |")
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