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Created December 1, 2023 19:13
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raytracing weekend thing implementation in plain C
// compile with (linux) gcc -std=c11 -Ofast -lcglm -lm -fopenmp raytracing-weekend.c
// dependencies: cglm (available on AUR), openmp (probably already installed on ur system)
#include <cglm/vec3.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stb/stb_image_write.h>
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef int32_t i32;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef size_t usize;
typedef ptrdiff_t size;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
inline void dump_image_header(FILE *output, i32 width, i32 height) {
fprintf(output, "P3\n");
fprintf(output, "%" PRIi32 " %" PRIi32 "\n", width, height);
fprintf(output, "255\n");
inline void dump_color(FILE *output, vec3 color) {
i32 r = (i32)round(color[0] * 255);
i32 g = (i32)round(color[1] * 255);
i32 b = (i32)round(color[2] * 255);
fprintf(output, "%" PRIi32 " %" PRIi32 " %" PRIi32 "\n", r, g, b);
typedef struct {
vec3 origin;
vec3 direction;
} ray;
void point_on_ray(ray *r, f32 t, vec3 result) {
glm_vec3_copy(r->origin, result);
glm_vec3_muladds(r->direction, t, result);
typedef struct {
f32 min;
f32 max;
} range;
bool range_test(const range *r, f32 value) {
return value >= r->min && value <= r->max;
f32 clamp(const range *r, f32 value) {
if (value <= r->min)
value = r->min;
if (value >= r->max)
value = r->max;
return value;
f32 random_float() { return (f32)((f64)rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); }
void random_vec3(vec3 v) {
v[0] = random_float();
v[1] = random_float();
v[2] = random_float();
void random_vec3_in_unit_sphere(vec3 v) {
do {
} while (glm_vec3_norm2(v) >= 1);
void sphere_normal(vec3 center, f32 radius, vec3 hit_point, vec3 normal) {
glm_vec3_sub(hit_point, center, normal);
glm_vec3_divs(normal, radius, normal);
typedef struct hit_record hit_record;
typedef enum {
} material_tag;
typedef struct {
vec3 albedo;
} lambertian_data;
typedef struct {
vec3 albedo;
f32 fuzz;
} metal_data;
typedef struct {
f32 index_of_refraction;
} dielectric_data;
typedef union {
lambertian_data lambertian;
metal_data metal;
dielectric_data dielectric;
} material_data;
typedef struct material {
material_tag tag;
material_data data;
bool (*scatter)(struct material *mat, ray *r, hit_record *hit,
vec3 attenuation, ray *scattered);
} material;
struct hit_record {
vec3 hit_point;
vec3 normal;
f32 t;
bool front;
material *mat;
bool lambertian_scatter(material *mat, ray *r, hit_record *hit,
vec3 attenuation, ray *scattered) {
vec3 direction;
glm_vec3_add(direction, hit->normal, direction);
if (glm_vec3_norm2(direction) < 1e-4) {
glm_vec3_copy(hit->normal, direction);
glm_vec3_copy(hit->hit_point, scattered->origin);
glm_vec3_copy(direction, scattered->direction);
glm_vec3_copy(mat->data.lambertian.albedo, attenuation);
return true;
material make_lambertian(vec3 albedo) {
lambertian_data data;
glm_vec3_copy(albedo, data.albedo);
return (material){
.tag = material_tag_lambertian,
.data = {.lambertian = data},
.scatter = lambertian_scatter,
void reflect(vec3 dir, vec3 normal, vec3 out) {
glm_vec3_normalize_to(dir, out);
glm_vec3_muladds(normal, -2 * glm_vec3_dot(out, normal), out);
void refract(vec3 dir, vec3 normal, float refraction_ratio, vec3 out) {
vec3 unit_dir;
glm_vec3_normalize_to(dir, unit_dir);
f32 cos_theta = fmin(1.0, -glm_vec3_dot(unit_dir, normal));
vec3 perp, parallel;
glm_vec3_copy(unit_dir, perp);
glm_vec3_muladds(normal, cos_theta, perp);
glm_vec3_scale(perp, refraction_ratio, perp);
glm_vec3_scale(normal, -sqrt(fabs(1.0 - glm_vec3_norm2(perp))), parallel);
glm_vec3_add(perp, parallel, out);
bool metal_scatter(material *mat, ray *r, hit_record *hit, vec3 attenuation,
ray *scattered) {
vec3 direction;
reflect(r->direction, hit->normal, direction);
vec3 fuzz_vector;
glm_vec3_muladds(fuzz_vector, mat->data.metal.fuzz, direction);
glm_vec3_copy(hit->hit_point, scattered->origin);
glm_vec3_copy(direction, scattered->direction);
glm_vec3_copy(mat->data.metal.albedo, attenuation);
return true;
material make_metal(vec3 albedo, f32 fuzz) {
metal_data data;
glm_vec3_copy(albedo, data.albedo);
data.fuzz = fuzz;
return (material){
.tag = material_tag_lambertian,
.data = {.metal = data},
.scatter = metal_scatter,
f32 reflectance(f32 cos, f32 ref_index) {
f32 r0 = (1 - ref_index) / (1 + ref_index);
r0 = r0 * r0;
return r0 + (1 - r0) * pow(1 - cos, 5.0);
bool dielectric_scatter(material *mat, ray *r, hit_record *hit,
vec3 attenuation, ray *scattered) {
f32 refraction_ratio = mat->data.dielectric.index_of_refraction;
if (hit->front) {
refraction_ratio = 1.0 / refraction_ratio;
glm_vec3_copy(hit->hit_point, scattered->origin);
vec3 unit_dir;
glm_vec3_normalize_to(r->direction, unit_dir);
f32 cos_theta = fmin(1.0, -glm_vec3_dot(unit_dir, hit->normal));
f32 sin_theta = sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta * cos_theta);
bool cannot_refract = refraction_ratio * sin_theta > 1.0;
if (cannot_refract ||
reflectance(cos_theta, refraction_ratio) > random_float()) {
reflect(r->direction, hit->normal, scattered->direction);
} else {
refract(r->direction, hit->normal, refraction_ratio, scattered->direction);
attenuation[0] = 1.0;
attenuation[1] = 1.0;
attenuation[2] = 1.0;
return true;
material make_dielectric(f32 index_of_refraction) {
return (material){
.tag = material_tag_dielectric,
.data = {.dielectric = {.index_of_refraction = index_of_refraction}},
.scatter = dielectric_scatter,
typedef enum {
} hittable_tag;
typedef struct {
vec3 center;
f32 radius;
} sphere_data;
typedef union {
sphere_data sphere;
} hittable_data;
typedef struct hittable {
hittable_tag tag;
hittable_data data;
material *mat;
bool (*hit)(struct hittable *hit, ray *r, const range *t_range,
hit_record *rec);
} hittable;
bool sphere_hit(hittable *hit, ray *r, const range *t_range, hit_record *rec) {
vec3 to_origin_vec;
glm_vec3_sub(r->origin, hit->, to_origin_vec);
f32 radius = hit->data.sphere.radius;
f32 a, half_b, c;
a = glm_vec3_norm2(r->direction);
half_b = glm_vec3_dot(r->direction, to_origin_vec);
c = glm_vec3_norm2(to_origin_vec) - radius * radius;
f32 det_prime = half_b * half_b - a * c;
if (det_prime < 0) {
return false;
f32 sqrt_det = sqrt(det_prime);
f32 t = (-half_b - sqrt_det) / a;
if (!range_test(t_range, t)) {
t = (-half_b + sqrt_det) / a;
if (!range_test(t_range, t)) {
return false;
if (rec) {
rec->t = t;
rec->mat = hit->mat;
point_on_ray(r, t, rec->hit_point);
glm_vec3_sub(rec->hit_point, hit->, rec->normal);
glm_vec3_divs(rec->normal, radius, rec->normal);
rec->front = glm_vec3_dot(r->direction, rec->normal) < 0;
if (!rec->front) {
return true;
hittable make_sphere(material *mat, vec3 center, f32 radius) {
sphere_data data;
data.radius = radius;
return (hittable){
.tag = hittable_tag_sphere,
.data =
.sphere = data,
.hit = sphere_hit,
.mat = mat,
void get_ray_color(ray *r, hittable *objects, i32 num_objects, vec3 color,
i32 num_rays) {
if (num_rays > 50) {
color[0] = 0;
color[1] = 0;
color[2] = 0;
bool hit = false;
hit_record nearest_hit;
nearest_hit.t = 1000.0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < num_objects; ++i) {
hittable *object = &objects[i];
hit_record current;
if (object->hit(object, r, &(range){.min = 0.001, .max = nearest_hit.t},
&current)) {
hit = true;
nearest_hit = current;
if (hit) {
ray scattered_ray;
vec3 attenuation;
if (nearest_hit.mat->scatter(nearest_hit.mat, r, &nearest_hit, attenuation,
&scattered_ray)) {
get_ray_color(&scattered_ray, objects, num_objects, color, num_rays + 1);
glm_vec3_mul(color, attenuation, color);
} else {
vec3 blend_from = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, blend_to = {0.5, 0.7, 1.0};
vec3 normalized_direction;
glm_vec3_normalize_to(r->direction, normalized_direction);
f32 blend_factor = 0.5 * (normalized_direction[1] + 1.0);
glm_vec3_lerpc(blend_from, blend_to, blend_factor, color);
typedef struct {
i32 width, height;
f32 viewport_width, viewport_height;
vec3 center, up, right;
vec3 viewport_u, viewport_v;
vec3 pixel_delta_u, pixel_delta_v;
vec3 top_left;
} camera;
void init_camera(camera *cam, i32 width, i32 height, i32 samples, f32 fov,
vec3 center, vec3 up, vec3 right) {
cam->width = width;
cam->height = height;
cam->viewport_height = 2.0 * tan(fov * GLM_PI / 360);
cam->viewport_width = cam->viewport_height * width / height;
glm_vec3_copy(center, cam->center);
glm_vec3_copy(up, cam->up);
glm_vec3_copy(right, cam->right);
glm_vec3_scale(right, cam->viewport_width, cam->viewport_u);
glm_vec3_scale(up, -cam->viewport_height, cam->viewport_v);
glm_vec3_divs(cam->viewport_u, width, cam->pixel_delta_u);
glm_vec3_divs(cam->viewport_v, height, cam->pixel_delta_v);
vec3 direction;
glm_vec3_cross(up, right, cam->top_left);
glm_vec3_add(cam->top_left, center, cam->top_left);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->viewport_u, -0.5, cam->top_left);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->viewport_v, -0.5, cam->top_left);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->pixel_delta_u, 0.5, cam->top_left);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->pixel_delta_v, 0.5, cam->top_left);
void get_trace_ray(camera *cam, f32 u, f32 v, ray *trace_ray) {
glm_vec3_copy(cam->center, trace_ray->origin);
glm_vec3_sub(cam->top_left, cam->center, trace_ray->direction);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->pixel_delta_u, u, trace_ray->direction);
glm_vec3_muladds(cam->pixel_delta_v, v, trace_ray->direction);
void gamma_correct(vec3 color) {
static const f32 gamma = 2.0;
for (i32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
color[i] = pow(color[i], 1.0 / gamma);
int main() {
const i32 width = 1280, height = 720, samples = 500;
const f32 fov = 20;
camera cam;
vec3 pos = {13, 2, 3};
vec3 lookat = {0, 0, 0};
vec3 up = {0, 1, 0};
vec3 right, look_dir;
glm_vec3_sub(lookat, pos, look_dir);
glm_vec3_crossn(look_dir, up, right);
glm_vec3_cross(right, look_dir, up);
init_camera(&cam, width, height, samples, fov, pos, up, right);
material ground = make_lambertian((vec3){0.8, 0.8, 0.0});
material center = make_lambertian((vec3){0.1, 0.2, 0.5});
material left = make_dielectric(1.5);
material right = make_metal((vec3){0.8, 0.6, 0.2}, 0.0);
material ground2 = make_lambertian((vec3){0.5, 0.5, 0.5});
material m1 = make_dielectric(1.5);
material m2 = make_lambertian((vec3){0.4, 0.2, 0.1});
material m3 = make_metal((vec3){0.7, 0.6, 0.5}, 0.0);
#define MAX_SPHERES 600
material random_materials[MAX_SPHERES];
f32 R = cos(GLM_PI / 4);
hittable objects[MAX_SPHERES] = {
#if 0
make_sphere(&center, (vec3){0, 0, -1}, 0.5),
make_sphere(&ground, (vec3){0, -100.5, -1}, 100.0),
make_sphere(&left, (vec3){-1, 0, -1}, 0.5),
make_sphere(&left, (vec3){-1, 0, -1}, -0.4),
make_sphere(&right, (vec3){1, 0, -1}, 0.5),
i32 num_objects;
i32 i = 0;
for (i32 a = -11; a < 11; ++a) {
for (i32 b = -11; b < 11; ++b) {
f32 choose_mat = random_float();
vec3 center = {a + 0.9 * random_float(), 0.2, b + 0.9 * random_float()};
vec3 dist;
glm_vec3_sub(center, (vec3){4, 0.2, 0}, dist);
if (glm_vec3_norm2(dist) > 0.9 * 0.9) {
if (i > MAX_SPHERES) {
"too many spheres! please increase the MAX_SPHERES variable.");
return 1;
if (choose_mat < 0.8) {
vec3 albedo, v1, v2;
glm_vec3_mul(v1, v2, albedo);
random_materials[i] = make_lambertian(albedo);
} else if (choose_mat < 0.95) {
vec3 albedo;
glm_vec3_scale(albedo, 0.5, albedo);
glm_vec3_adds(albedo, 0.5, albedo);
f32 fuzz = random_float();
random_materials[i] = make_metal(albedo, fuzz);
} else {
random_materials[i] = make_dielectric(1.5);
objects[i] = make_sphere(&random_materials[i], center, 0.2);
num_objects = i;
if (MAX_SPHERES >= num_objects + 4) {
objects[num_objects] = make_sphere(&ground2, (vec3){0, -1000, 0}, 1000);
objects[num_objects + 1] = make_sphere(&m1, (vec3){0, 1, 0}, 1);
objects[num_objects + 2] = make_sphere(&m2, (vec3){-4, 1, 0}, 1);
objects[num_objects + 3] = make_sphere(&m3, (vec3){4, 1, 0}, 1);
num_objects += 4;
// dump_image_header(stdout, width, height);
u8 *pixels = malloc(width * height * 4);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
fprintf(stderr, "Rendering y = %" PRIi32 "\n", y);
for (i32 x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
vec3 color;
for (i32 sample = 0; sample < samples; ++sample) {
f32 msaa_x = x + random_float();
f32 msaa_y = y + random_float();
ray trace_ray;
get_trace_ray(&cam, msaa_x, msaa_y, &trace_ray);
vec3 msaa_color;
get_ray_color(&trace_ray, objects, num_objects, msaa_color, 0);
glm_vec3_add(color, msaa_color, color);
glm_vec3_divs(color, samples, color);
i32 off = (y * width + x) * 4;
pixels[off] = (i32)round(255 * color[0]);
pixels[off + 1] = (i32)round(255 * color[1]);
pixels[off + 2] = (i32)round(255 * color[2]);
pixels[off + 3] = 255;
stbi_write_png("output.png", width, height, 4, pixels, 0);
return 0;
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