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Created September 17, 2016 05:14
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numba error
import sys
import pyfftw
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.fftpack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from timeit import Timer
import time
from numba import jit
def create_signal(fs = 10000, N = 20000):
# Timebase
t = np.linspace(1,N,num=N)
# Signal frequencies, f1 is musical 'A'
f1 = 440
f2 = 8 * f1
# Signal power, 20Vrms here, try making this smaller or bigger
a = 20.0 * np.sqrt(2)
# Noise power, equal to 0.1 V**2/Hz, make this smaller like 0.0001
noise = 0.0001 * fs / 2
# Construct the data
d = a * np.sin(2*np.pi*t*f1/fs) + 2 * a * np.sin(2*np.pi*t*f2/fs)
d += np.random.normal(scale = np.sqrt(noise), size = t.shape)
return d
def runpyfftw(s, dbins, prf, win, ws, fft):
rdysig = np.tile(win,(dbins,1)) * scipy.signal.detrend(s)
for i in range(rdysig.shape[0]):
v = fft( rdysig[i,:].flatten() )
psd = 2 * (np.real(v) * np.imag( v ))/(prf * ws)
def main():
prf = 10000
secs = 2
fftsize = 10000
dbins = 800
a = pyfftw.empty_aligned(prf * secs, dtype='float32')
fft =
s = np.tile( create_signal(prf, prf * secs)[np.newaxis] , (dbins,1) )
win = np.hanning(prf * secs)
ws = np.sum(win**2)
t = time.process_time()
runpyfftw(s, dbins, prf, win, ws, fft)
print(time.process_time() - t)
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