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Last active March 13, 2023 06:51
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Save bsantraigi/516aa30db374bae0ea5b5bb14f6ef203 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GAMIFIER: A credit timer system. Run stopwatch to do the difficult task (reading), start timer to do the easy and addictive task (coding).
# A simple timer with following features
# 1. It will beep when the timer is done
# 2. Press S to start stopwatch and accumulate time
# 3. Press S again to stop stopwatch and print accumulated time
# 4. Press T to start timer and lose from accumulated time
# 5. Press T again to stop timer and print accumulated time
# Author: Bishal Santra ( MIT License
import time
def beep():
def print_time(t, prefix=None):
print('\r', end='')
if prefix:
print(prefix, end=' ')
t // 360000,
t // 6000 % 60,
t // 100 % 60,
t % 100), end='')
def print_menu():
print('Press S to start stopwatch and accumulate time')
print('Press S again to stop stopwatch and print accumulated time')
print('Press T to start timer and lose from accumulated time')
print('Press T again to stop timer and print accumulated time')
print('Press Q to quit')
def main():
stopwatch = False
timer = False
stopwatch_time = 0
while True:
key = input()
if key == 's' or key == 'S':
if stopwatch:
stopwatch = False
stopwatch = True
start_time = time.time()
# stopwatch_time = 0
elif key == 't' or key == 'T':
if timer:
timer = False
timer = True
start_time = time.time()
# timer_time = 0
elif key == 'q' or key == 'Q':
print('Invalid key')
if stopwatch:
# stopwatch loop, ctrl-c to stop
while True:
delta_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 100)
# sleep 10 ms
# Print h:m:s:ms
print_time(stopwatch_time + delta_time, "Stopwatch: ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Print h:m:s:ms
stopwatch_time += delta_time
print_time(stopwatch_time, "Stopwatch stopped. Total Time -->")
stopwatch = False
if timer:
while True:
delta_time = int((time.time() - start_time) * 100)
# sleep 10 ms
# Print h:m:s:ms
print_time(stopwatch_time - delta_time, "Timer: ")
# if stopwatch_time == 0:
# beep()
# print_time(stopwatch_time, "Timer done. Total Time -->")
# timer = False
# break
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Print h:m:s:ms
stopwatch_time -= delta_time
print_time(stopwatch_time, "Timer stopped. Total Time Left -->")
timer = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
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