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Created December 7, 2013 11:04
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  • Save bsag/7839826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bsag/7839826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PDF/XeLaTeX export template for Texts ( for a more complex article. Numbered sections, a separate title page and page headers/footers. Put this file in ~/Library/Application Support/Texts. Restart Texts and when you choose `File > Export > Export PDF/Export XeLaTeX` the `Templates` drop down at the bottom of the file choose…
%% Complex report template
% Suitable for longer reports:
% Titlepage, numbered sections, more complex page headers/footers
% change the language and variant for your own needs
% use standard math symbols
% for \text inside formulas and for \eqref
% you may not have these fonts on your system to customise this as required
\setmainfont[Microtype,Ligatures=TeX,Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Microtype,Scale=MatchLowercase,Ligatures=TeX]{Myriad Pro}
\setmonofont[Microtype,Scale=MatchLowercase,Scale=0.9]{Courier New}
% set paragraph spacing
% no indent, one baseline between paragraphs
% Set margins and page layout
% prevent overfull lines
% for \includegraphics
% for exact placement of figures
% for footnotes in tables
% for hyperlinks
%% Make the style for Chapters and sections
% Used kjh's styles as a starting point:
\renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space}
%% reduce skip after section heading
%% set name of bibliography to 'references'
%%\renewcommand{\bibname}{\mdseries\Large\sffamily References}
% Titlepage layout
\pretitle{\par\vskip 3em
\begin{center}\Huge\sffamily\bfseries\hrule\vskip 0.5em}
\posttitle{\end{center}\par\vskip 0.5em\hrule}
\preauthor{\begin{center}\Large\vskip 3em}
%% 'abstract' bigger skip from title
\makepagestyle{ruled-sans} % Make ruled-sans pagestyle
\makeatletter % Define ruled-sans pagestyle
% \makeheadfootruleprefix{ruled-sans}{\color{LightSlateGrey}}{\color{LightSlateGrey}}
\makeevenfoot{ruled-sans}{\sffamily\thepage}{}{} %
\makeoddfoot{ruled-sans}{}{}{\sffamily\thepage} %
\makeatother %
\createmark{chapter}{left}{nonumber}{\today }{}
\createmark{section}{both}{shownumber}{}{ \quad }
\makeatother %
\pagestyle{ruled-sans} % Choosing pagestyle and chapter pagestyle
% Make figures as wide as the margins
% Determine if the image is too wide for the page.
% Resize figures that are too wide for the page.
% define info for titlepage
% At the moment this has to be hard coded, which is fiddly for the title
\def\myauthor{Your Name}
\def\myaffiliation{Your Affiliation}
\author{\myauthor \\
\emph{\myaffiliation} \\ \myemail}
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