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Created January 20, 2019 17:31
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Add IPFS folder to a Stellar Account
const StellarSDK = require('stellar-sdk')
const IPFS = require('ipfs')
const axios = require('axios')
* Promisifies the initialize process of an IPFS node
function initIPFSNode() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const node = new IPFS()
node.on('ready', () => {
node.on('error', error => {
* Creates a Stellar Account on the test network,
* Funds it with friendbot,
* Creates a folder in IPFS, and
* Adds that folder the the accounts data
* Returns the create account keypair
async function createAccount() {
// Create keypair
const pair = StellarSDK.Keypair.random()
//Fund with friendbot to make it an actual account
await axios.get(`${pair.publicKey()}`)
//Inits the IPFS node
const node = await initIPFSNode()
// We are on the test network
const server = new StellarSDK.Server('')
// Load the account for use
const account = await server.loadAccount(pair.publicKey())
//Our directory in IPFS will begin with the public key name
const docsDirectory = `/${pair.publicKey()}`
await node.files.mkdir(docsDirectory)
//Add the directory to our created account's data
const transaction = new StellarSDK.TransactionBuilder(account)
name: 'docs',
value: docsDirectory,
//Sign and submit the transaction
await server.submitTransaction(transaction)
//Stop our IPFS node
await node.stop()
// Return the keypair
return pair
module.exports = {
const index = require('../src/index')
const StellarSDK = require('stellar-sdk')
const chai = require('chai')
const expect = chai.expect
describe('createAccount', async () => {
it('creates account', async () => {
const pair = await index.createAccount()
const server = new StellarSDK.Server('')
const account = await server.loadAccount(pair.publicKey())
// Value will be in base64 so we have to decode it
const docs = await{key: 'docs'})
expect(Buffer.from(docs.value, 'base64').toString()).to.equal(
'/' + pair.publicKey()
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