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Bryan Goodrich bryangoodrich

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bryangoodrich / LessonOne.R
Created April 19, 2016 19:00
Adventures in R Training Code
# Lesson 1 - R Basics
# Learning Objectives
# 1. R Data Types
# 2. Indexing
# 3. Boolean Logic and Filtering
# 4. Importing/Exporting
# 5. The R Environment
bryangoodrich / ftp_BLS.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Historical FTP Special Request BLS Access
# Author: Bryan Goodrich
# Created: Sometime 2012? Earlier?
# These functions allowed direct querying and mapping capabilities to the Bureau
# of Labor Statistics (BLS) Special Requests data through their FTP site. The
# data were stored in fixed-width text files.
# This code is non-functional in that the BLS no longer supports this FTP access.
# Additionally, the specific Local Area (LA) statistics utilized are also not
bryangoodrich / grid_file.cpp
Created July 25, 2015 00:12
Input and rotate a grid through designated input format and file import
* Compilation: g++ grid_file.cpp -o grid_file.exe
* Execution: grid_file.exe input.txt
* Input and rotate a grid
* This is a toy code snippet for handling informational
* input (integer size of grid), importing multiple
* columns, and exporting with formatted output. This
* example uses C++ approaches to file and string input
bryangoodrich / flip_grid.cpp
Created July 24, 2015 23:18
Input and rotate a grid through designated input format
* Compilation: g++ grid.cpp -o grid.exe
* Execution: grid.exe < input.txt
* Input and rotate a grid
* This is a toy code snippet for handling informational
* input (integer size of grid), importing multiple
* columns, and exporting with formatted output. Nothing
* amazing, but can provide a basis for this sort of
bryangoodrich / sorted_map.cpp
Created July 24, 2015 22:39
Sort an incoming map by key length, ties broken by string sorted order
* Compilation: g++ -std=c++11 map.cpp -o map.exe
* Execution: map.exe < input.txt
* Output the contents of a sorted map
* This is a toy code snippet for using C++11 types to handle
* an input stream, store the incoming data columns by line,
* and sort the output list according to length of key,
* with ties broken by string sort order (map default).
bryangoodrich / reverse_input.cpp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Reverse an integer text input stream.
* Compilation: g++ -std=c++11 reverse.cpp -o reverse.exe
* Execution: reverse.exe < input.txt
* Reverse an integer text input stream
* This is a toy code snippet for using C++11 types to handle
* an input stream, store the incoming data by line, and reverse
* it while printing to standard output.
bryangoodrich / TwitterTopics.r
Last active September 18, 2024 20:43
Twitter Topic Modeling Using R
# Twitter Topic Modeling Using R
# Author: Bryan Goodrich
# Date Created: February 13, 2015
# Last Modified: April 3, 2015
# Use twitteR API to query Twitter, parse the search result, and
# perform a series of topic models for identifying potentially
# useful topics from your query content. This has applications for
# social media, research, or general curiosity
bryangoodrich /
Created March 17, 2015 06:42
Using Union-Find Data Structure to Model Percolation System
import array
class WeightedQuickUnion:
def __init__(self, N):
self.count = N = array.array('i', range(N))
self.size = array.array('i', [1] * N)
def connected(self, p, q):
return self.find(p) == self.find(q)
bryangoodrich / RegularizedGradientDescent.R
Created August 26, 2014 05:45
Regularized Gradient Descent Logistic Classifier with Decision Boundary
loadInput <- function() {
structure(c(0.051267, -0.092742, -0.21371, -0.375, -0.51325,
-0.52477, -0.39804, -0.30588, 0.016705, 0.13191, 0.38537, 0.52938,
0.63882, 0.73675, 0.54666, 0.322, 0.16647, -0.046659, -0.17339,
-0.47869, -0.60541, -0.62846, -0.59389, -0.42108, -0.11578, 0.20104,
0.46601, 0.67339, -0.13882, -0.29435, -0.26555, -0.16187, -0.17339,
-0.28283, -0.36348, -0.30012, -0.23675, -0.06394, 0.062788, 0.22984,
0.2932, 0.48329, 0.64459, 0.46025, 0.6273, 0.57546, 0.72523,
0.22408, 0.44297, 0.322, 0.13767, -0.0063364, -0.092742, -0.20795,
-0.20795, -0.43836, -0.21947, -0.13882, 0.18376, 0.22408, 0.29896,
bryangoodrich / GradientDescent.R
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Gradient Descent for Logistic Classifier
gradientDescent <- function(X, y, initial_theta, method = "BFGS", ...) {
m <- nrow(y)
sigmoid <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
gradFunction <- function(theta) (1/m) * (t(X) %*% (sigmoid(X %*% theta)-y))
costFunction <- function(theta)
(1/m) * (t(-y) %*% log(sigmoid(X %*% theta)) - t(1-y) %*% log(1 - sigmoid(X %*% theta)))
optim(initial_theta, costFunction, gradFunction, method = method, ...)