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Last active February 8, 2021 07:53
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Save bryan-c-oconnell/4ae84d5253cf6f434750 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - Test your RESTful API using PowerShell
# |Info|
# Written by Bryan O'Connell, November 2014
# Purpose: Sample of a functional test script for a RESTful API.
# Thanks to contributors on the 'jsonplaceholder' project for making a publicly
# accesible and generic REST API (which is used in the examples below).
# -
# -
# |Info|
function CreateTimestamp
$TimeInfo = New-Object System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo;
$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format $TimeInfo.SortableDateTimePattern;
$Timestamp = $Timestamp.Replace(":", "-");
return $Timestamp;
function WriteToLog
{ param([string]$TextToWrite)
$TextToWrite | Out-File $LOG_FILE -Append;
function LogErrorMessage
{ param([string]$ResultMsg, [string]$ErrorMsg)
WriteToLog $ResultMsg;
WriteToLog ("Error Message - " + $ErrorMsg);
WriteToLog ""; #whitespace
function RunRoute_GET
{ param([string]$ApiRoute, [int]$SecondsAllowed)
Write-Host "Testing $ApiRoute";
$ResponseData = New-Object PSObject;
$ResponseData = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiRoute -Method Get -DisableKeepAlive -TimeoutSec $SecondsAllowed);
WriteToLog ("Results for $ApiRoute - (GET) PASS");
LogErrorMessage ("Results for $ApiRoute - (GET) FAIL") $_.Exception.Message;
return $ResponseData;
function RunRoute_DELETE
{ param([string]$ApiRoute, [int]$SecondsAllowed)
Write-Host "Testing $ApiRoute";
$DeleteWasMade = $False;
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiRoute -Method Delete -DisableKeepAlive -TimeoutSec $SecondsAllowed;
WriteToLog ("Results for $ApiRoute - (DELETE) PASS");
$DeleteWasMade = $True;
LogErrorMessage ("Results for $ApiRoute - (DELETE) FAIL") $_.Exception.Message;
return $DeleteWasMade;
function RunRoute_POST
{ param([string]$ApiRoute, [object]$BodyContent, [int]$SecondsAllowed)
Write-Host "Testing $ApiRoute";
$ResponseData = New-Object PSObject;
$ResponseData = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ApiRoute -Method Post -Body $BodyContent -ContentType $CONTENT_TYPE -DisableKeepAlive -TimeoutSec $SecondsAllowed);
WriteToLog ("Results for $ApiRoute - (POST) PASS");
LogErrorMessage ("Results for $ApiRoute - (POST) FAIL") $_.Exception.Message;
return $ResponseData;
function RunRoute_PUT
{ param([string]$ApiRoute, [object]$BodyContent, [int]$SecondsAllowed)
Write-Host "Testing $ApiRoute";
$UpdateWasMade = $false;
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ApiRoute -Method Put -Body $BodyContent -ContentType $CONTENT_TYPE -DisableKeepAlive -TimeoutSec $SecondsAllowed;
WriteToLog ("Results for $ApiRoute - (PUT) PASS");
$UpdateWasMade = $true;
LogErrorMessage ("Results for $ApiRoute - (PUT) FAIL") $_.Exception.Message;
return $UpdateWasMade;
Set-Variable TIME_STAMP (CreateTimestamp) -Option ReadOnly -Force;
Set-Variable LOG_FILE ("RestApiTest_" + ($TIME_STAMP + ".log")) -Option ReadOnly -Force;
Set-Variable BASE_URL ("") -Option ReadOnly -Force;
Set-Variable CONTENT_TYPE ("application/json") -Option ReadOnly -Force;
# Timer will measure total runtime of the testing process.
$Timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
# GET examples - Get all Users, and pick a random User for further tests:
$ListOfAllUsers = RunRoute_GET -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/users") -SecondsAllowed 3;
$RandomUser = $ListOfAllUsers | Get-Random;
$UserId = $;
$UserRecord = RunRoute_GET -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/users/" + $UserId) -SecondsAllowed 2;
#POST example - assign a new Todo to the User:
$NewToDo = @{
"userId" = $UserId;
"title" = "Please delete the last Post you made; it is no longer needed.";
"completed" = $False;
$ToDoRecord = RunRoute_POST -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/todos") -BodyContent (ConvertTo-Json $NewToDo) -SecondsAllowed 2;
# DELETE example - complete the ToDo that was assigned to the user by deleting their last Post:
$ListOfUserPosts = RunRoute_GET -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/posts?userId=" + $UserId) -SecondsAllowed 3;
$LastPost = $ListOfUserPosts[-1];
$PostWasDeleted = RunRoute_DELETE -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/posts/" + $ -SecondsAllowed 2;
# PUT example - User has accomplished the requested task, so let's update the 'completed' status of one of their open ToDos.
# NOTE: This API does not actually save changes, so we can't update the record we "created" in the POST example.
$ListOfIncompleteToDos = RunRoute_GET -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/todos?completed=false&userId=" + $UserId) -SecondsAllowed 3;
$UpdatedToDo = $ListOfIncompleteToDos | Get-Random;
$UpdatedToDo.completed = $True;
$ToDoWasUpdated = RunRoute_PUT -ApiRoute ($BASE_URL + "/todos/" + $ -BodyContent (ConvertTo-Json $UpdatedToDo) -SecondsAllowed 2;
$RunTime = ("Test is complete. Total run time: " + $Timer.Elapsed.ToString())
Write-Host ($RunTime);
WriteToLog $RunTime;
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