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Last active November 7, 2016 21:20
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Hello world

About me

Hi, my name is Bruno Ricardo Siqueira, I'm Brazilian and I'm working as Senior Software Engineer at Smartbox (Dublin - Ireland). I have been working with web development and Internet for nine years, using the latest technologies available in the market, having followed the growth of PHP as language and the Internet as a work tool. I have pursued and successfully build Web Systems and applications following the best programming practices, software standards and design patterns. Over the past three years I have been attended as Speaker in tech events. I'm also founder of PHPSanca (PHP User Group in São Carlos - SP - Brazil), and a proudly member of PHPSP (PHP User Group in São Paulo - SP - Brazil).

Sharing knowledge

After some failed tentatives I finally started a serius blog project. My plan is post at least once per week. Some of the posts will be very technical, others more about IT business world. After ~10 years you should acumulate some good (and bad!) experiences. That is what I want to share. My experiences, tips, tricks, how to's... I hope that my knowledge helps and/or inspire other developers, beginners or experienced ones, to improve as professionals. Oh, one important detail: English is not my mother language, so please be patient about typos and any help is much appriciated. For my Brazilian fellows, I will try to post in portuguese sometimes also. =)

Another PHP blog?

No. Altough PHP is the language that I am most skilled, I also have experiences with Javascript, Java, C, C++, Python, Go, Ruby, shell scripting and other programming languages. But my real intent is share more than code snippets. Well I really think that is better do than only talk, so let's begin!

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