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Last active December 22, 2015 06:09
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mechanical shuffles
def riffleShuffle(group, x = 0, y = 0):
deck = []
for c in group:
deck.append(c) ##loads the deck contents into a list
topChunk = deck[:len(deck)/2] ##Grabs the top half of the deck
bottomChunk = deck[len(deck)/2:] ##Grabs the bottom half of the deck
deck = [] #This'll be the new deck stack
while len(bottomChunk) > 0: ##keep looping as long as there's still cards
deck.insert(0, bottomChunk.pop()) ##The bottom of the chunk gets added to the top of the deck
if len(topChunk) > 0: ##The bottom chunk will always have 1 more card if the deck was odd-numbered, due to rounding
deck.insert(0, topChunk.pop())
for c in deck:
c.moveToBottom(me.Library) ##Moves to bottom to maintain the same deck order
notify("{} riffle-shuffles their Library.".format(me))
def pileShuffle(group, x = 0, y = 0):
deck = []
for c in group:
deck.append(c) ##loads the deck contents into a list
piles = []
pileCount = askInteger('How many piles?', 5) ##default is 5 piles
for num in xrange(0, pileCount): ##loops from 0 to 4, each one being the starting index of the list
piles.append(deck[num::pileCount]) ## Distributes the cards into the specified number of piles
for pile in piles:
for c in pile:
notify("{} pile-shuffles their Library.".format(me))
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