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Created January 31, 2022 03:40
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Baba Hour
type Board =
| Board of Car[] * (Board*string*int) option // cars, (priorBoard, movedCarLabel, movedCarDiff)
member this.Cars = match this with Board(cars,_) -> cars
member this.HasPrior() = match this with Board(_,Some(_)) -> true | _ -> false
member this.IsOccupied(x,y) =
let mutable r = false
for c in this.Cars do
if c.Occupies(x,y) then
if r then
printfn "bug! two cars in same spot"
r <- true
if x = 0 || y = 0 || y = 6 then
r <- true // left/top/bottom walls
if x = 7 && y <> 3 then
r <- true // right wall
member this.AllMoves() =
let cars = this.Cars
for i = 0 to cars.Length-1 do
for moved,diff in cars.[i].AllMoves(this) do
let temp = Array.copy cars
temp.[i] <- moved
let (Car(label, _, _, _, _)) = moved
yield temp,label,diff
|] |> (fun (newCars,label,diff) -> Board(newCars, Some(this,label,diff)))
member this.IsWin() = this.Cars |> Array.exists (fun c -> c.Occupies(7,3))
and Car =
| Car of string * int * int * int * bool // (label, x, y, len, isVertical)
member this.Move(d) =
let (Car(label, x, y, len, isVertical)) = this
if isVertical then
Car(label, x, y + d, len, isVertical)
Car(label, x + d, y, len, isVertical)
member this.CanMove(board:Board, d) =
let (Car(_label, x, y, len, isVertical)) = this
if d = -1 && isVertical then
not(board.IsOccupied(x, y-1))
elif d = 1 && isVertical then
not(board.IsOccupied(x, y+len))
elif d = -1 && not isVertical then
not(board.IsOccupied(x-1, y))
elif d = 1 && not isVertical then
not(board.IsOccupied(x+len, y))
member this.Occupies(bx,by) =
let (Car(_label, x, y, len, isVertical)) = this
let mutable r = false
if isVertical then
for i = 0 to len-1 do
let cy = y + i
if x = bx && cy = by then
r <- true
for i = 0 to len-1 do
let cx = x + i
if cx = bx && y = by then
r <- true
member this.AllMoves(board:Board) = [|
if this.CanMove(board,-1) then
yield this.Move(-1), -1
if this.CanMove(board,1) then
yield this.Move(1), 1
let initialCars = [|
Car("green C1A", 1, 1, 1, true)
Car("blue C2A ", 2, 1, 2, true)
Car("red R1 ", 3, 1, 2, false)
Car("blue C6 ", 6, 1, 2, true)
Car("green C1B", 1, 2, 1, true)
Car("train R2 ", 4, 2, 1, false)
Car("train R3 ", 1, 3, 1, false)
Car("blue C2B ", 2, 3, 2, true)
Car("blue C3 ", 3, 3, 2, true)
Car("blue C4 ", 4, 3, 2, true)
Car("green C6 ", 6, 3, 1, true)
Car("red R4 ", 5, 4, 2, false)
Car("red R5A ", 1, 5, 2, false)
Car("green C4 ", 4, 5, 1, true)
Car("red R5B ", 5, 5, 2, false)
let initialBoard = Board(initialCars, None)
let main argv =
let mutable visited = Set []
visited <- Set.add initialCars visited
let q = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<_>()
let mutable finished = false
while not finished do
let b = q.Dequeue()
if b.IsWin() then
finished <- true
printfn "done"
let labels = ResizeArray()
let mutable cur = b
while cur.HasPrior() do
let (Board(_,Some(prior,label,diff))) = cur
labels.Add(label, diff)
cur <- prior
let moves = labels.ToArray() |> Array.rev
printfn "%A" moves
for next in b.AllMoves() do
if not(visited.Contains next.Cars) then
visited <- Set.add next.Cars visited
printf "."
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