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Created February 12, 2013 01:44
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Save brianknapp/4759403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is sample code for a CreateRequest object. I don't know exactly what this is supposed to do, so I'm going to make this up as I go. Hopefully it is helpful to show multiple jacks on one action.
class CreateRequest
def initialize request_jack, notification_jack, payment_jack
@request_jack = request_jack
@notification_jack = notification_jack
@payment_jack = payment_jack
def execute input
unless input.has_shape? user_id: Fixnum, text: String, amount: Float, who_to_notify: Fixnum
raise 'invalid input format'
# Create a Request entity an save it to some jack (so, DB)
data = { user_id: input[:user_id], text: input[:text] }
request =
request.populate data
request_data = request.to_hash #returns a hash of the request data persisted
# Notify some one that a new Request exists (so, let's say email...also might create a notification object)
data = { who_to_notify: input[:who_to_notify], user_id: request_data[:user_id], text: request_data[:text] }
notification =
notification.populate data
notification_data = @notification_jack.push notification.to_hash
# Handle payment for the Request (so, some payment processor stuff)
data = { amount: input[:amount], user_id: input[:user_id] }
payment =
payment.populate data
payment_data = @payment_jack.purchase payment.to_hash
# I don't know what you want to return here, so return everything I guess
{ request_info: request_data, notification_info: notification_data, payment_info: payment_data }
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