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Forked from dkobia/gist:849945
Created March 1, 2011 22:32
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var ci_styles = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
"default": new OpenLayers.Style({
pointRadius: "10", // sized according to type attribute
fillColor: "${fillcolor}",
strokeColor: "${strokecolor}",
strokeWidth: 2,
graphicZIndex: 1
fillcolor: function(feature)
strokecolor: function(feature)
"select": new OpenLayers.Style({
fillColor: "#66ccff",
strokeColor: "#3399ff",
graphicZIndex: 2
var checkinLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Checkins', {styleMap: ci_styles});
$.getJSON("<?php echo url::site()."api/?task=checkin&action=get_ci&mapdata=1&sqllimit=1000&orderby=checkin.checkin_date&sort=DESC"?>", function(data) {
$.each(data["payload"]["checkins"], function(key, ci) {
var cipoint = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(parseFloat(ci.lon), parseFloat(;
cipoint.transform(proj_4326, proj_900913);
var checkinPoint = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(cipoint, {strokecolor: "#FF44FF"});
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